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Define a data definition for physical data access. You can define a single file, a directory containing many files, or a concatenation of several directories.
Restriction: This topic applies only when the AppMaster Builder AddPack has been installed, and applies only to Windows platforms.


... [(DynamicLinkLibrary=drive:\path\DLLfilename)]
... [(eXtension=value)]

... [(File)[(FileBufferSize=MIN|MAX|<value>)]
... [(FileBufferType=Full|Line|None)]
... [(LANGuage=CoBol|CoBoL2|CoBoLII|SCoBol|TeXT)]]

... [(Path=drive:\path\filename)
... [(FileBufferSize=MIN|MAX|<value>)]
... [(FileBufferType=Full|Line|None)]
... [(LANGuage=CoBol|CoBoL2|CoBoLII|SCoBol|TeXT)]]

... [(SearchMode)[(FirstFound|Latest)]]


Name=name This suboption is positional. Specify the name by which the file, directory or concatenation of directories is referenced by the rule statements. For example, the following statement reads and processes a file of rule source.
% INCLUDE ddname [(member)] 

For another example, the % INCLUDE MYDIR (MYMACS) statement expects a DataDefinition that associates the logical DataDefinition name to physical files as follows.

/DD(NAME=MYDIR <file spec>) or /DD(MYDIR <file spec>)

DynamicLinkLibrary Specifies the file is a Dynamic Link Library (DLL). This keyword names a .DLL that contains compiled rules to be included for generation. For example, the % INCLUDE COMPLMAC statement expects a DataDefinition that associates the logical DataDefinition name to the physical file AFILE.DLL containing compiled rules.


eXtension Supplies an extension for a file. This is helpful where the extensions for a type of file are not obvious from the type. For example, rule source files could be given extensions such as .FMP or .IGL. Where the extension is determined (e.g., DLL type files always has and extension of .DLL), this option is not needed. This option is also useful in shops that want files to have file extensions, even though the % INCLUDE statement can not specify a file extension. For example:


File Indicate that the object in the DataDefinition is a file, instead of a directory and path.
FileBufferSize Specify the file buffer size, for example, FBS=4096. Specify MIN or MAX for the generator to use the smallest or largest reasonable size, as set by developers.
FileBufferType Specify the default buffering type for files that do not have one specified.
LANGuage Same as the LANGuage option.
Path Indicate that the DataDefinition object is a directory that contains the rule source files included in the generation process. For example, the % INCLUDE SRCMACS (MYMEMBR) statement expects a DataDefinition associating the logical DataDefinition name to the physical compiled rule file MYMEMBR. /DD(SRCMACS PATH=C:\RULEDIR), where MYMEMBR is in the C:\RULEDIR directory.
SearchMode Same as the SearchMode option.
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