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Fields and Flags, Field Edit

You can interrogate the following AMB-generated flags and data fields to determine input data errors when you code your application edit routines. Instructions for coding application edit routines are in online Help.
Restriction: This topic applies only when the AppMaster Builder AddPack has been installed, and applies only to Windows platforms.


These are the AMB-generated fields. The option Execute Before/After Edits determines which field to reference.

Representation Execute Option Field Name and Format
Representation Execute Option Field Name and Format


After AMB edits

Screenname-fieldname. Internal picture was updated by any previous field edits.


Before AMB edits

Screenname-fieldname-INPT. Data field containing any invalid data entered by the end user. Edits have not been performed; data is in screen input format. Field length is field length painted on the screen; definition is PIC X.


After AMB Edits

Screenname-fieldname-EDIT. Data was moved to -EDIT by previous output edits. Data may contain special symbols. Default length is field length painted on the screen; definition is PIC X.


Before AMB Edits

Screenname-fieldname. Data was not processed by previous output edits and is still in the internal format. Data in this field moves to the -EDIT field when an output format is specified. Default length is field length painted on the screen; definition is PIC X.

Input or Output

Before or After AMB Edits

(APS-ROW-SUB). This data field contains the row number being processed for fields in a repeated block, or in a list box or combination box.

Input or Output

Before or After AMB Edits

APS-EDIT-MESSAGE. Data field that lets you display an error message in addition to any you defined in the field edits for the field. Move a literal or data name containing the text into this field.

Input or Output

Before or After AMB Edits

Screenname-fieldname-LEN. For CICS only. Contains the length of the field; definition is PIC X.

Input or Output

Before or After AMB Edits

Screenname-fieldname-ATTR. For CICS only. Contains the attribute values assigned to the field; definition is PIC X.


These are the AMB-generated flags:

Flag Description


Flag that AMB sets to T(rue) if there are no input errors and F(alse) if there are


Data field containing the number of screen fields in error


Flag that AMB sets to T(rue) if an error occurs and F(alse) if not

General Rules:

  1. AMB processes input data from the screenname-fieldname-INPT field. After the data passes the input edits, the data moves to screenname-fieldname and takes on the characteristics of the internal picture. For output, the data moves to the screenname-fieldname-EDIT field and takes on the characteristics of the output format specifications.
  2. Application edit routines execute for a field whether the data passes or fails field edits, unless you set various switches in the APFEIN control file . To indicate an error in an application edit routine, move T to screenname-fieldname-FLAG. This tells AMB to execute error processing; you can display an additional error message from the APS-EDIT-MESSAGE field.
  3. Do not code database calls in application edit routines.


The following is sample generated code for a screen record with input and output edits.
          15  FILLER             PIC X(03).
          15  EMPLOYEE-SALARY    PIC S9(O5)V99.
          15  EMPLOYEE-SALARY-EDITPIC $$$,$$9.99.

The following example shows the generated code when you code an application edit routine as a subprogram. The routine:

  • Validates the customer number entered in the CUSTOMER-NO field.
  • Is invoked during field edit input logic execution.
  • Executes After AMB Edits.
  • Passes the following arguments: *CUSTOMER-NO, *CUST-NO-FLAG, APS-EDIT-MESSAGE
The edit routine uses the CUSTVER subprogram. The subprogram accepts the arguments into the Linkage Section.
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