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Database Calls

AMB Database (DB) calls are predefined, easy-to-use statements with common syntax that allows transparent access to a variety of databases. The AMB DB calls let you focus on what needs to be accomplished, rather than the mechanics of the target environment. To address environment-specific requirements, you can extend these calls with arguments; no native coding is required. These calls facilitate both generic processing and specialized requests.
Restriction: This topic applies only when the AppMaster Builder AddPack has been installed, and applies only to Windows platforms.

AMB supports the following database calls and targets.

Database Call




Close a file or cursor set.

  • SQL
  • VSAM Batch


Perform the COMMIT function.

  • IMS
  • SQL


Declare a cursor set.



Delete a row or record.

  • IMS
  • SQL
  • VSAM Batch
  • VSAM Online


Obtain a row from a cursor set.



Release file resources.

VSAM Online


Update a row or record.

  • IMS
  • SQL
  • VSAM Batch
  • VSAM Online


Read a table or record.

  • IMS
  • SQL
  • VSAM Batch
  • VSAM Online


Open a cursor set or file.

  • SQL
  • VSAM Batch


Read a table or file and loop on it.

  • IMS
  • SQL
  • VSAM Batch
  • VSAM Online


Perform the ROLLBACK function.

  • IMS
  • SQL


Add a record to the database or file.

  • IMS
  • SQL
  • VSAM Batch
  • VSAM Online


Include a data view in your program.

  • IMS
  • SQL
Note: AMB Logical View DB calls can consist of a call name, keywords, and arguments. Observe the General Rules when you code a DB call.

General Rules:

  1. Code the call using COBOL indentation. Improperly indented calls may cause errors.
  2. Argument values can be:
    • Variables
    • 1- to 7-digit numbers
    • Literal strings delimited by single or double quotation marks
  3. An alternate value can be a literal, column name, or host-variable.
  4. A host-variable is any COBOL data item referenced in your AMB SQL code; can a be data item generated automatically by AMB to match a DB2 column name.
  5. An alternate host-variable is one you instruct AMB to use instead of the automatically generated one for a column.
  6. Precede host-variables and alternate host-variables with a colon. AMB generates a # symbol for the colon.
  7. Separate each call component with a space, unless indicated otherwise in the syntax.
  8. Never code comments within database calls.
  9. Continue a call on as many as 101 subsequent lines by coding an ellipsis followed by a space (... ). Break a call for continuation at any blank space, but do not break a parameter.
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