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Controls database and user interface calls.
Restriction: This topic applies only when the AppMaster Builder AddPack has been installed, and applies only to Windows platforms.
Warning: Changing APSDBDC values affects the entire installation. To override values only for a specific Project, set the variables in the CNTL file APSPROJ.

File Contents:

Edit the following APSDBDC variables to control database and user interface calls:

Parameter Description
% SET NOBLANK Suppress blank lines from appearing in the output. Override with % SET BLANK.
% SET EVAL- BRACKETS "<>" Define the characters used as evaluation brackets.
Warning: Overriding this parameter is not recommended because it will affect the Customizer rules.
% &MACRO- COMMENTS = 1 Allows COBOL comments to appear in generated source. Override with 0.
% &TP-MACRO- COMMENTS = 1 Allows COBOL comments to appear in generated source. Override with 0.
% SET LOOP- LIMIT 500 Limit all loops in APSMACS and USERMACS to 500 executions. Maximum override number is 999999.

Loop limit flags for DB-PROCESS loops are in the target-specific AMB CNTL files.

An error trace mechanism that identifies the line of source that caused the error, the active % INCLUDE statement(s), the rule(s) currently invoked and not yet ended, and the number of loops completed at the time of error (if applicable). The severity codes of errors traced are F (Fatal), E (Error), W (Warning), and I (Information) messages. To eliminate Information message traces, append a space and the argument NOINFO to the trace statement. To turn off the trace in selected portions of a program, code % SET NOTRACE.% SET TRACE ERROR

% &IM-HOLD- DEFAULT = "NOHOLD" Prevent AMB-generated IMS DB-OBTAIN calls from HOLDing a record for update except when HOLD is specified in the DB-OBTAIN call. Override with "procopt", which does HOLD a record automatically, assuming the subschema or PSB specifies that the program can update the record.
% &VS- PROTOTYPE- MODE = "NO" "Yes" specifies that a VSAM program is a prototype, enabling you to code DB calls without accessing a VSAM file. All subschema validation at program generation is still performed. NO means prototype mode is inactive.
% &IM- SUPPRESS-DB- CALL = "NO" Deactivate the prototype mode for an IMS program. "Yes" specifies that an IMS program is a prototype, enabling you to code DB calls without accessing a data base. All subschema validation at program generation is still performed.
% &IM-USE- DFS0AER = 0 Disable the AMB-supplied IMS database error routine rules from calling the IMS-supplied error display module, DFS0AER. In this case, all database errors are resolved using only the AMB-supplied status flags. To enable use of DSF0AER and the AMB-supplied flags, set to 1. If your installation does not use DFS0AER, leave this flag set to 0. See also Fields, Flags, and Exit Points.
% &GEN-DB- REC-01-NAMES = 0 IMS DB parameter. If your top-level copylib records begin with the level number 01 positioned in column 8, use the flag default of 0. If they don't, override with 1.
Note: Ensure that no 01 level copylibs exists. Otherwise, when flag set to 1, duplicate 01 level names will exist causing a COBOL error.
% &IM- SUPPRESS- COPYLIB = 0 Override with 1 to suppress a copylib described in your DDI statements. &IM is for IMS; &VS is for VSAM.
% &VS- SUPPRESS- COPYLIB = 0 Override with 1 to suppress a copylib described in your DDI statements. &IM is for IMS; &VS is for VSAM.
% &COPY- SECTION = "WORKING- STORAGE" Specify that copylib members are placed in Working-Storage.
% &TP-RETRY = 1 Set the parameter RETRY as the default parameter for the NTRY call. Override with 0 to set the default to NORETRY. You can also override on a program-by-program basis by coding RETRY or NORETRY in the NTRY call. See NTRY for more information.
% &IM-USE- ASSEMBLER- BLOCKING = 1 Use a supplied Assembler routine to move data between record I/O areas and IMS concatenated segment I/O areas in AMB-generated programs. This method is recommended because it's more efficient and doesn't require redefining the record I/O areas.
Note: Because this module is linked during generation of COBOL code, setting this variable to 1 might interfere with transportability of the generated code.

Overriding with 0 causes AMB-generated programs to block and unblock IMS concatenated I/O areas using a byte-level loop in the generated code. Setting to 0 also causes AMB to automatically redefine all record I/O areas as an array of bytes. Setting to 0 is incompatible with copyfile members containing a COBOL OCCURS DEPENDING ON clause or multiple record declarations in a single member.

% &IM-EXEC- DLI = 0

CICS parameter. Generate CALL 'CBLTDLI' syntax. Override with 1 to generate EXEC DL/I syntax.

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