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To define an XA resource (XAR) for an enterprise server region

  1. In the table of servers on the Home page of Enterprise Server Administration, click Edit to the left in the row for the enterprise server region that you want to edit.
  2. Click the XA Resources tab.
  3. Click Add.
  4. Specify the details of the XAR:
    Specify an XA resource manager (XAR) ID, used internally to identify a particular XA configuration, and must be unique within the enterprise server region. This ID is used by JES-initiated jobs and by the XAID compiler directive option. See XAID, Executing TSO Commands in Batch Mode (IDAEFT01), and Planning and Designing XARs for more information. Mandatory.
    Specify the name by which the XAR is known. It should match the name returned in the name field of the xa_switch_t structure. Mandatory.
    Specify the location of the RM switch module executable file (.dll on Windows or .so on UNIX platforms) that contains the entry point that returns the xa_switch_t structure to the enterprise server. We strongly recommend that you include the full path to the executable file. Mandatory.
    Open string
    Specify the string that is passed to the resource manager on the xa_open() call. It usually contains at least the database name, and often the user ID and password credentials for connecting to the database. The contents of this string are database-specific.

    Where the RM switch module supports dynamic registration, and the database vendor requires the name of the module that provides the ax_reg function, you should specify casaxlib.

    Close string
    The string that is passed to the XAR on the xa_close() call. To find out whether or not you need to supply Close string, see your database vendor's documentation.
    Specify an optional text description of the XAR definition.
    Check this to enable the XAR. It is checked by default.
    Important: For more information on the syntax for Open string, see the xa_open string topic for your database type, listed below.
  5. Click Add.
Note: You cannot add an XAR until all the mandatory fields have values.
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