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Thus the REPRO command can:

  • Load a sequential data set to a VSAM data set.
  • Load a VSAM data set to a VSAM data set, optionally replacing records that have the same primary key values as the input records.
  • Copy a VSAM data set to a sequential data set.
  • Copy a sequential data set to a sequential data set.


MFJAMS uses the parameters described in the following table. All other parameters are ignored.

Name of the DD statement, contained in the JCL for this job step, that provides the name of the data set that is to be used for input.
Name of the data set that is to be used for input.
Name of the DD statement, contained in the JCL for this job step, that provides the name of the data set that is to be used for output.
Name of the data set that is to be used for output.
For a VSAM KSDS only, the key of the first record to copy. Copying starts at the record with the same primary key, or the record with the nearest higher key if an exact match does not occur. Alternate indices are not used.
For a VSAM KSDS only, the key of the last record to copy. Copying ends at the record with the same primary key, the record with the nearest higher key if an exact match does not occur, or end of file. Alternate indices are not used.
The number of records to skip before copying starts.
The number of records to copy.
For VSAM files only, the record in the input data set replaces any record in the output data set that has the same primary key.
For VSAM files only, the record in the input data set does not replace any record in the output data set that has the same primary key.


  • INFILE and INDATASET are mutually exclusive. You must specify one of them.
  • OUTFILE and OUTDATASET are mutually exclusive. You must specify one of them.
  • REPLACE and NOREPLACE are mutually exclusive. NOREPLACE is the default.
  • MFJAMS automatically adds alternate key entries to the output data set if they have been previously defined.
  • IDCAMSREPRO pads (with blanks) LSEQ input records to the minimum record length (for primary and alternate keys) for VSAM data sets.
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