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Fileshare Options

Note: In this section, options are shown starting with a forward slash (/). This is how you specify the options on Windows. On UNIX, use the hyphen (-) character instead of the forward slash.

The Fileshare Server configuration file, fs.cfg, contains the Fileshare configuration options described below. Only the /s option is required. The /pf option is strongly recommended, however, as without it you cannot enforce any Fileshare security, although MSS does provide Resource Security Level (RSL) checking.

/s server-name

Specifies that server-name is the name that the Fileshare Server registers on the network. The name specified has to be unique to that Fileshare Server and must correspond to the Fileshare Server ID specified in the enterprise server's Resource Definition Tables. If a Fileshare Server with that name is already registered on the network, an error is returned.

[/d database-reference-file]

Specifies database-reference-file as the name of the database reference file that the Fileshare Server is to use.

/t nnnnnnnn

Sets the transaction processing timeout, in seconds. If the server does not hear from its client in this period, and another client has requested access to records locked as part of the transaction, all files involved in the transaction are rolled back to their original state and all locks are removed.

The default timeout is 60 seconds. You can disable timeout by setting this to 0. The valid values are 0 through 99999999.

[/m record-size] 

Specifies the maximum record size that the Fileshare Server processes in kilobytes. The valid values for record-size are 16 through 64. If you specify a value less than 16, the Fileshare Server uses a maximum record size of 16KB. If you specify a value greater than 64, the Fileshare Server uses a maximum record size of 64KB. if you do not include this option, the Fileshare Server uses a maximum record size of 64KB. Setting a lower value than the default value reduces the amount of memory that the Fileshare Server needs to run.

/cm cci-protocol  

Specifies cci-protocol as one of the CCI communications protocols that the Fileshare Server can use to receive communications from a Fileshare Client. Repeat this option for every communications protocol that you want to use to contact this Fileshare Server. Valid values for cci-protocol are:

If you do not specify any entries, the default is CCITC32.

[/cf configuration-file] 

Specifies the name of the Fileshare Server configuration file. Use this option only on the command line. When using this option, you must specify the required Fileshare Server options in the configuration file. If you do not specify a name for the configuration file, it defaults to fs.cfg in the Fileshare Server's current directory.

/pf password-file 

Names the password file used by this server. This option activates the Fileshare Password system. If you do not use this option, the Fileshare Server runs without security enabled.

[/tr f] 

Specifies that the Fileshare Server trace option is activated as soon as the Fileshare Server starts. The trace echoes to the screen and a file called fsscreen.lst in the Fileshare Server's current directory. This option seriously impacts the Fileshare Server's performance. Use it only for problem investigation.


Use this to get the best performance. Switching Fileshare into synchronous communications mode. This means that when there is nothing for Fileshare to process, it goes into a wait state until interrupted by a message from the communications layer. You need to use a password file, and provide a password for FSVIEW so that you can shut down Fileshare remotely. You can shut it down from the screen, but you might need to wait up to two minutes before it responds to the screen action.


Assume the file fs.cfg contains the following lines:

/s fsserv1
/cm ccitc32
/cm ccism32 (Windows)
/cm ccinampu (UNIX)
/pf serv1.pwd

If you enter the command:


Fileshare reads fs.cfg and starts a server named FSSERV1, with the TCP/IP and Shared Memory (Windows), Named Pipes (UNIX) protocols enabled. It uses the file serv1.pwd for password security.

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