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Describes the use of the mfpubcas.cpy file.

The mfpubcas.cpy file is located by default in the %ProgramFiles(x86)%\Micro Focus\Enterprise Developer\cpylib (Windows) or $COBDIR/cpylib (UNIX) directory. We suggest you open it in any file editor to become familiar with its contents.

mfpubcas.cpy contains all of the Working-Storage fields you need to access the Public CASSPOOL API, including function, key, and reason code fields. Add mfpubcas.cpy to your Enterprise Developer project, and include it in your COBOL program to enable the passing of information to and from the Public CASSPOOL API.

When you include mfpubcas.cpy in your program:
  • Include it in Working-Storage as a child of an 01-level field.
  • Use copy...replacing syntax to replace () with a qualifier. For example:
           01  PUBCAS-AREA.
           copy 'mfpubcas.cpy' replacing  ==()== by ==WS==.
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