If the Endevor Attachment is used within IBM Rational Developer for z Systems with the IBM RSE daemon as server, you need to add the installation EXEC and SKELS datasets to the configuration file ISPF.conf in the USS configuration path of the RSE daemon.
Additionally you have to specify the Endevor Attachment load library (HLQ.ENDEVOR.LOADLIB) using STEPLIB assignment of the ISPZXENV REXX procedure which is part of the ISPF Client Gateway. By default, the REXX ISPZXENV resides under /usr/lpp/ispf/bin in the USS subsystem.
If the Endevor product load modules don't reside in the LINKLIST you have to specify the Endevor product load libraries under the STEPLIB assignment of ISPZXENV as well. This also applies if you want to use another set of Endevor product libraries than those allocated in the LINKLIST, for example, if you want to test a new Endevor release.
The STEPLIB assignment in ISPZXENV has the following structure:
Replace NDVHLQ by the high level qualifier of your Endevor product libraries. Note that Endevor CSIQAUTU and CSIQUATH must be APF-authorized libraries. Thus, all other libraries assigned to STEPLIB must be APF-authorized as well.