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Specifies a name that can be used as a notation for a collection of data type attributes.


DEFINE ALIAS [alias-name, attribute,...];


The name that can be used as a synonym for the explicit data type defined by the specified attributes.
The specified attributes for the alias. Separate each attribute with a comma(,). The attributes that can be specified are any of the attributes for variables that can be returned by a function. You cannot specify an alias for an array or a structured attribute list. Any string lengths or area sizes must be restricted expressions.

Missing data attributes are supplied using PL/I defaults.


An alias can be used wherever an explicit data type can be used. Using DEFINE ALIAS, you can assign meaningful or shorter names for sets of data type attributes thus making a program easier to understand.


   define alias Name char (32) varying;
   define alias EmployeeId pic (5)'9';

   dcl MyName type Name;         /* MyName has the attributes char (32) varying */.
   dcl MyId type EmployeeId;     /* MyId  has the attributes pic (5)’9’  */

   MyName = 'Jack Jones';
   MyId = 12345;
Note: Whenever Name is used in a DECLARE statement, it has the attributes char(32) varying.


Alias of aliases is not supported.

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