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To assess application migration

Restriction: This topic applies to Windows environments only.
  1. From the HCOSS Assess Application Migration tool, click the Assessment Tasks tab.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • To define a new assessment task:
      1. Click New.
      2. In the Name field, type a name for the assessment task file.
      3. Click the browse button and navigate to the directory containing your COBOL source files, or the parent directory to one or more subdirectories containing your COBOL source files.
      4. Click OK.
    • To edit an existing assessment task, select an existing task from the Available Assessments drop-down list.
  3. From the SQL Server Connection drop-down list, select an existing SQL Server connection to use in the assessment.
  4. If you have a schema you want to use as the default qualifier for this assessment, type its name into the Qualifier (default schema) field. Optional.
  5. If you want HCOSS to report errors related to schema specification, uncheck Ignore Schema Errors. Optional.
    Note: Do not uncheck this checkbox if you have not created your SQL Server database.
  6. In the Summary grid's Check for SQL column, uncheck any files that you do not want to include in the assessment. If you want to select all of the files, right-click in the column, and then click Select All from the popup menu.
    • To view the source for any file listed on the Summary grid, double-click the file name in the File Path column. This opens the Source Code tab. Use the Next EXEC SQL and Previous EXEC SQL buttons to move from one SQL statement to another.
    • The code that appears on the Source Code tab is the original source file if you have not processed the assessment. If you have, the code that appears is the converted code.
  7. Click Save to save the assessment task.
  8. Click Process Files.
  9. On the Results tab, review the assessment results.
  10. To see a comparison of the original source code along with converted source code, double-click a file listed on the Error Details grid, and view the code in the SQL Conversion tab.
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