Use the TSO RECEIVE command to create the partitioned datasets from the sequential XMIT files. HLQ.SCLM is the assumed installation prefix.
Enter TSO or Workstation commands below: ===> receive indataset('hlq.SCLM.EXEC.XMIT')
INMR906A Enter restore parameters or 'DELETE' or 'END' + restore dataset('hlq.SCLM.EXEC’)
The result is a partitioned dataset containing REXX procedures.
Repeat the RECEIVE process for the SKELS, the AWMMODEL and the ARCHDEF datasets.
You should give the received dataset containing the AWM model the low-level qualifier AWMMODEL. In the Team Developer perspective of Enterprise Developer a file mapping is defined for datasets with the low-level qualifier AWMMODEL which ensures that members of an AWMMODEL dataset are downloaded with the code page IBM-037. This ensures that special characters contained in the AWMMODEL member are correctly interpreted when the model is loaded on the client-side.
If you use another low-level qualifier for the model dataset than AWMMODEL, you have to ensure that a corresponding file mapping is defined on the client-side.