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Restriction: This topic applies only when the AppMaster Builder AddPack has been installed, and applies only to Windows platforms.
Database directory
Type the path of the project and group DDIFILE directory. Do not specify the name DDIFILE. Defaults to the project and group path specified. If your application does not access a database, you can optionally leave this field blank.
Alternate SQL Copylib directory
Type the path to a directory, other than the COPYLIB project subdirectory, where you want to store the copybooks associated with the tables in your SQL schemas. Do this when you want to use static versions of these copybooks rather than the copybooks generated by AppMaster Builder when you build SQL schema data views. The generated copybooks are overwritten each time you build a SQL schema data view. Optional.
Alternate File Tailoring directory
Type the paths to locations where AMB should search for File Tailoring members before searching the default path. You can enter up to three fully qualified paths, separated by a semi-colon (;).

For example, C:\TMP;D\MYSLIB;C:\APSUSERS\TESTLIB, tells AMB to first look in C:\TMP, then in D:\MYSLIB, etc., for any file tailoring members. AMB uses the first file tailoring member it encounters. For use with Distributed Generation Server only. Optional.

Important: Ensure that file tailoring files in alternate paths are correct in their syntax structure.
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