The 3270 printer daemon has begun its initialization phase.
The 3270 printer daemon has successfully completed its initialization phase.
The 3270 printer daemon has failed to initialize its pca
The 3270 printer daemon has failed to initialize as it could not read the region configuration file.
The 3270 printer daemon has failed to initialize as its registration failed.
The 3270 printer daemon has failed to initialize as it could not read the global configuration file.
The 3270 printer daemon has successfully installed the user exit DFHUPRNT.
An error occurred while attempting to initialize the 3270 terminal emulator
An error occurred while processing the command line passed to the 3270 terminal emulator
An error occurred while attempting to initialize the 3270 terminal emulator
An error occurred while initializing the 3270 terminal emulator
An error occurred while initializing the 3270 terminal emulator. Auto-install may have rejected the terminals connection to the region.
The 3270 terminal has begun its initialization phase
The COBOL run time system could not be located.
The module dfht3270.gnt could not be located.
An error occurred while attempting to connect the 3270 terminal emulator to the target region. The region is not yet initialized or has been terminated.
An error occurred while attempting to connect the 3270 terminal emulator to the target region. The module dfh0cfg could not be found.
An error occurred while attempting to connect the 3270 terminal emulator to the target region. The module dfh0msg could not be found.
An error occurred while attempting to connect the 3270 terminal emulator to the target region. The thin client could not successfully process the configuration file.
An error occurred while attempting to connect the 3270 terminal emulator to the target region. The global configuration could not be retrieved.
An error occurred while attempting to connect the 3270 terminal emulator to the target region. The region configuration could not be retrieved.
An error occurred while attempting to connect the 3270 terminal emulator to the target region. The error was unexpected, the return code was %1s
An error occurred while attempting to connect the 3270 terminal emulator to the target region. The terminal setup was rejected by the target region
An error occurred loading dfhtinit. Either the module dfhtinit.gnt is not in $CASDIR/lib or the environment variable CASDIR is not properly set.
This message is put on the screen to give information to the user in case the connect process takes an unexpected amount of time. If this message persists without further activity the problem may be that there is not an available server on the target region to process the client installation. If this client is connecting to a remote region and that region is not currently available, the system may take up to two minutes to recognize the problem.
An error occurred loading dfhtinit. Either the module dfhtinit.gnt is not in $CASDIR/lib or the environment variable CASDIR is not properly set.
As part of terminal initialization the auto-install process modified the default terminal screen size. The terminal device attempted to dynamically change the physical screen size to support the new terminal model. The terminal failed to change the physical screen size, the return code was return-code. For example the terminal may have started in MOD2 but as part of auto-install a MOD4 screen was requested.
As part of terminal initialization the auto-install process modified the default terminal screen size. The terminal device attempted to dynamically change the physical screen size to support the new terminal model. The terminal failed to change the physical screen size, the return code was return-code. For example the terminal may have started in MOD2 but as part of auto-install a MOD4 screen was requested.