Micro Focus Enterprise Developer 2.3 Update 2 for Eclipse
General Reference
Error Messages
Workflow Manager Messages
Error messages
AWM RDz (TSRDZ) messages
AWM RDz (TSRDZ) messages
TSRDZ0001 The remote resource {0} was not found.
TSRDZ0002 An error occurred while trying to open the file {0}
TSRDZ0003 Connection failed when trying to reach the remote system job utility.
TSRDZ0004 Failed to initialize the RDz Job Utility.
TSRDZ0005 The job with the ID {0} could not be read.
TSRDZ0006 DD {0} of job {1} could not be read.
TSRDZ0007 DDs of the job with the ID {0} could not be determined.
TSRDZ0008 The return code of the job with the ID {0} could not be determined.
TSRDZ0009 Invalid resource during association of property group.
TSRDZ0010 A local property group with name {0} does not exist.
TSRDZ0011 The error feedback XML file could not be read during the execution of the integrated tool RefreshDependencies.
TSRDZ0012 The folder {0} could not be created during execution of the integrated tool Refresh Dependencies.
TSRDZ0013 An error occurred while parsing the error feedback XML file.
TSRDZ0014 Could not find category for COBOL on the system.
TSRDZ0015 Could not find category for PLI on the system.
TSRDZ0016 Could not find category for ASSEMBLER on the remote system.
TSRDZ0017 Could not find category for C_CPP on the remote system.
TSRDZ0018 Duplicate instance of category: {0} .
TSRDZ0019 The language: {0} is not supported.
TSRDZ0020 SYSLIB parsing error.
TSRDZ0021 No container for system: {0} .
TSRDZ0022 Parameter property group name is missing.
TSRDZ0023 The resource {0} was not found.
TSRDZ0024 The property group {0} does not exist.
TSRDZ0025 The property group {0} already exists. Parameter Replace was {1} .
TSRDZ0026 The name of existing property group {0} to be copied was not found in the system.
TSRDZ0027 The Property Group {0} already exists in the system
TSRDZ0032 {0} is neither a sequential data set nor a member of a partitioned data set.
TSRDZ0033 Failed to get contents of file {0} .
TSRDZ0034 Recall for data set {0} failed.
TSRDZ0035 Failed to retrieve data set named {0} .
TSRDZ0036 Operation cancelled by user.
TSRDZ0038 Failed to set contents for data set {0} .
TSRDZ0040 Failed to allocate the data set {0} .
TSRDZ0041 Deletion of data set failed: {0} .
TSRDZ0042 Failed to connect to {0} .
TSRDZ0046 Failed to wait for RSE initialization.
TSRDZ0047 {0} is not a partitioned data set.
TSRDZ0048 {0} does not exist on System {1}
TSRDZ0049 {0} is not a valid ZOSDataset, could not retrieve FileAttributes
TSRDZ0053 The remote resources {0} and/or {1} were not found.
TSRDZ0054 The first and second file descriptor to compare must be of type MVSPO_Member or MVS_SEQ
Parent topic:
Error messages