Micro Focus Enterprise Developer 2.3 Update 2 for Eclipse
General Reference
Java Artifacts
ECI Implementation (mfccl.jar)
Micro Focus ECI
Java API
Package com.microfocus.cics.client
Package com.microfocus.cics.client
Enum AbendCodeType
Enum for different abend types.
Class AbendException
Indicates that the server reported a CICS abend.
Enum CCLCallType
Enum for different call types.
Enum CCLExtendMode
Enum for different modes.
Class CCLLUWToken
Class to automatically generate LUW token.
Class CCLParams
Class to set parameters for a request.
Enum CCLVersion
Enum for different versions of the CCL library.
Class CICSException
Used for all generic exceptions from the server.
Class CommArea
Class for constructing CommArea. Default encoding for CommArea is ISO-8859-1.
Class CommAreaSizeException
Indicates that CommArea exceeds the maximum size.
Enum ConnectionType
Enum for connection type.
Class CCLChannel
Class for constructing CCLChannel.
Class CCLContainer
Class for constructing CCLContainer.
Class ContainerData
Class for constructing ContainerData. Default encoding for ContainerData is ISO-8859-1.
Enum CCLContainerType
Enum for container type.
Class ECIBINPConnection
The implementation of ECIConnection using MFBINP Protocol. MFBINP is a proprietary binary protocol from
Micro Focus
Class ECIBINPRequest
The implementation of ECIRequest for MFBINP Protocol. MFBINP is a proprietary binary protocol from
Micro Focus
Class ECIBINPResponse
The implementation of ECIResponse for MFBINP Protocol. MFBINP is a proprietary binary protocol from
Micro Focus
Interface ECIConnection
Defines the interface for connection to a server.
Interface ECIRequest
The interface for performing requests from the server.
Interface ECIResponse
The interface for handling responses back from
Enterprise Server
Class ExciRespException
Public class ExciRespException extends Exception.
Class InvalidDataException
Public class InvalidDataException extends RuntimeException.
Class MalformedResponseException
Indicates that the server reported a CICS abend.
Parent topic:
Java API