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Associates a DD name with a tape dataset.


      *--- TLBL OPERANDS
      *--- // TLBL filename
      *---          file-id
      *---          date
      *---          file-serial-number
      *---          volume-sequence-number
      *---          file-sequence-number
      *---          generation-number
      *---          version-number
      *- --         DISP
Enter the actual information in this section (optional).

See also differences appendix at the end of this section


The DD name.
A Uuique name which identifies a dataset in the system catalog.
The retention period in days (0 to 9999) or Julian date
The serial number of the first reel of the file.

Parsed but not processed*.

volume-sequence--number data-secured file
The volume at which you want to start processing.

Parsed but not processed*.

The volume at which you want to start processing.

Parsed but not processed*.

Generation number of file to be processed.

Parsed but not processed*.

Disposition opened, after normal step end, after abnormal step end.
Note: The command and operand combinations listed in these topics are supported unless indicated as "parsed but not processed". Where indicated, this means:
  • Parsed but not processed - indicates that the command and the operand are not supported, however, Enterprise Developer parses it and, if it fails validation, a JCL error is generated.
  • Parsed but not processed* - indicates that a number of the operands for JCL and POWER commands (for example, any tape or volume-specific operands) do not apply in the Micro Focus Enterprise Developer environment. See General Differences.
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