In order to be able to test the AWM sample, the application must be entered into the master configuration file (see also Master configuration). By default, the master configuration file contains such an entry, which should have the following content:
* * MVS PROJECTS EXAMPLE APPLICATION * User: * application name Appl: MVS Projects Sample Application * location of the application configuration file Conf: mvs:'hlq.ZSERVER.XML(MVSCONF)' * application version numberVersion: 2.3.1 * process information Property: MVS_PROP_STATIC_SYSLIB_ASM=SYS1.MACLIB;SYS1.MODGEN;&userid..BANKVSAM.MACLIB Property: MVS_PROP_STATIC_SYSLIB_COBOL=&userid..BANKVSAM.COPYLIB Property: MVS_PROP_STATIC_SYSLIB_PLI=&userid..STAFF.INCLUDE INFO: * end of application definition. do not delete this line EndAppl: EndUser:
Verify and adapt the z/Server data set qualifiers.
The static syslib data set names entered in the master configuration files are default values only and visible in the modeled AWM dialog when creating a new filter definition the first time.