The following table explains the most important context menu actions available in the AWM Model editor:
Command | Selected object | Description |
Sort Children | Any category, for example Action Descriptors and Properties. | Sorts the children of the selected object alphabetically including the XML source. This can be undone by clicking | .
Set Sequence Numbers | Any object with underlying sequence numbers, for example, Action Descriptor and Tool Descriptor. | Numbers all children that have a Seq No attribute by the order in which they appear in the editor. This can be undone by clicking | .
Jump To Target | Any relationship with a Target ID attribute, for example, Action has Tool and Tool has Input Parameter. | Highlights the target object in the editor. |
Used By (n) where n is the number of referencing objects. | Any object that can be referenced, for example, Property and Tool Descriptor. | Opens the Used by dialog box. The dialog box displays all referencing objects and their parents. Double-click a row in the dialog box to highlight the object in the editor. Click OK to close the dialog box. This action does not appear in an object's context menu if there are no referencing objects. |
You can collapse the active AWM Model tree to the categories level by clicking .
In addition, the editor supports the following actions and their corresponding shortcut keys and mouse actions: