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List of Abbreviations

API Application Programming Interface
AWM Application Workflow Manager
COBOL Common Business Oriented Language
CSV Comma Separated Values
ED Micro Focus Enterprise Developer
EDc Micro Focus Enterprise Developer Connect
EDz Micro Focus Enterprise Developer for z
EMF Eclipse Modeling Framework
ENDEVOR CA Endevor Change Manager
GUI Graphical User Interface
IBM International Business Machines Corporation
IDE Integrated Development Environment (in this guide used to refer to ED, EDc, EDz or RDz)
ISPF Interactivity System Product Facility
JCL Job Control Language
JES IBM Job Entry Subsystem (either JES2 or JES3)
JES2 IBM Job Entry Subsystem 2
JES3 IBM Job Entry Subsystem 3
LPEX Live Parsing Extensible Editor (in this guide used for an IBM Editor integrated in RDz)
MFA Micro Focus Mainframe Access
MVS Multiple Virtual Storage, used in this guide to distinguish the MVS file system (datasets and members) from the USS file system.
OS Operating System
PC Personal Computer
PDS Partitioned Data Set, if not explicitly mentioned this could mean PDS or PDSE
PDSE Partitioned Data Set Extended
PL/I Programming Language One
PO Partitioned Organized, this term is used for MVS dataset organizations, either PDS or PDSE
RDz IBM Rational Developer for z Systems
RSE Remote Systems Explorer, aka Eclipse Target Management
RSED IBM RSE Daemon, IBM z/OS server for RDz
SCLM IBM Software Configuration and Library Manager
SCM Software Configuration Management
TSO Time Sharing Option
SVN Apache Subversion
UI User Interface
USS z/OS Unix System Services
VSAM Virtual Storage Access Method
XML Extensible Markup Language
z (for IBM products such as System z, z/OS,..) Zero Downtime
z/OS (Zero Downtime) Operating System
z/Server Micro Focus z/OS server for EDc and EDz
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