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File Descriptor

A file descriptor describes a file and, optionally, the structure of the file. The file can be in both the Eclipse workspace and in the system to be attached.

The physical name (attribute Name_Physical) of the file does not have to be given in order to describe a file. This can be set by a tool output parameter at run time. If the physical name of the file already exists, a static value can be entered under this attribute. If only the structure of the file path has been defined, a dynamic path can be entered into the AWM using dynamic references (see Variable references).

A further feature of a file descriptor is the type. The “workspace_File” type indicates files that should be saved in the workspace or are to be read from the workspace.

Attribute Type Meaning
ID * ID * The ID of the file descriptor.
Name_Physical [O] String The physical name of the file under which the target system can find the file (file path + file name).

Dynamic references are allowed.

PropDelimiter String The delimiter to be used for the interpretation of structured file content.

Standard value: " " (Blank)

Structure Selection Describes the structure of the file.  

Permitted values:

  • Unstructured (standard value)
  • Table
Type Selection The type of the file descriptor. This value defines how the described file should be interpreted.  

Permitted values:

  • InputStream
  • Local file
  • Workspace_File (standard value)

The following values can only be used at run time if EDc, EDz or RDz is installed:

  • MVS_PO
  • MVS_PO_Member
  • USS_File - Only valid under IBM RDz.
Relationship Cardinality Description
Has_Property 0..* Relationship to a Property. Property Values can be assigned to a file content, which enables the further editing of the contents.

This relationship can only be used for the description of structured files (table structure).

Has_Action 0..* Relationship to an action descriptor. Used only if the file descriptor is of structure table and the table is part of a modeled dialog or an ISPF dialog. Then the actions appear in the context menu of the table items.
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