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Linked Properties for the Eclipse Function Package

The following linked properties are supported by the Eclipse function package:

Linked Property Name Value Type Content
Is Auto Build Boolean Auto build attribute of an Eclipse project.
Resource Properties
Content Type ID String Content type ID of an Eclipse resource, for example, value: org.eclipse.core.runtime.text
Derived Boolean Determines whether the Eclipse resource is derived.
Editable Boolean Read-only attribute of an Eclipse resource.
Error Count Numeric Error count attribute of an Eclipse resource.
Last Modified Numeric Last modified attribute of an Eclipse resource in the UNIX system time format, for example, value: 1442839802634
Last Modified (Formatted) String Last modified attribute of an Eclipse resource in the local OS date format, for example, value: 9/21/15 2:50 PM
Linked Boolean Determines whether the resource is a linked to another resource, folder or file.
Location String Absolute path to the Eclipse resource, for example, value: C:\EclipseWorkspaces\MyWorkspace\TestProject\TestFolder\TestFile.txt
Name String Name of the Eclipse resource, for example, value: TestFile.txt
Name With Remote Location String Name of the Eclipse resource with a remote location in brackets for remote resources.
Paste Allowed Boolean Determines whether a paste action on this resource is permitted.
Path String Workspace relative path of a resource, for example, value: \TestProject\TestFolder\TestFile.txt
Project Natures String Natures of an Eclipse project concatenated by the pipe sign (|), for example, value: com.microfocus.eclipse.project.cobolNature|com.microfocus.eclipse.edt.core.edtNature
Project Open Boolean Attribute indicating whether an Eclipse project is open or closed.
Size Numeric Size of an Eclipse file in bytes; returns “0” for Eclipse projects and folders.
Suffix String Suffix of an Eclipse file (without dot), for example, value: txt
Warning Count Numeric Warning Count attribute of an Eclipse resource.
Team Properties
Author String The author of a revision.
Comment String The comment for this file revision.
Timestamp String The timestamp of this revision in the UNIX system time format, for example: 1442839802634.
Timestamp (Formatted) String The timestamp of this revision in the local OS date format, for example: 9/21/15 2:50 PM.
Content Identifier String The unique identifier for this file revision.
Local Content Identifier String The content identifier for the local resource. In Subclipse this is the revision number.
Local Author String The author of the revision corresponding to the local resource.
Kind of Synchronization String Describes the kind of synchronization of the local resource. For example, after editing a resource kind of synchronisation has the value “[outgoing change]”.
Change portion String Describes the change portion of the kind of synchronization of the local resource. For example, after editing a resource the change portion has the value “[change]”.
Change direction String Describes the change direction of the kind of synchronization of the local resource. For example, after editing a resource the change direction has the value “[outgoing]”.
Synchronization Info String Describes the difference between the local resource and the repository resource. For example, after editing a resource synchronization has the value “outgoing change”.

The values of the Eclipse linked properties are managed by Eclipse and AWM internally. The Eclipse function package does not provide modeled update operations to change a value of such a linked property directly.

The values of the Eclipse team properties are provided by the Eclipse Team API. Not all of these properties are supported by every source control system. If a team property is not supported, the value of the property will be blank.

All those linked properties depend on an Eclipse resource. It is necessary to define the correct Resource Identifier attribute in the property definition.

Linked Property Resource Id
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