Note: This is a technology preview feature only. It is being made available to allow you to test and provide feedback on this new capability; however, this feature is not intended for production use and it is not supported as such. Furthermore, Micro Focus does not guarantee that this feature will be delivered at a GA level and if it is, then the functionality provided might differ considerably from this technology preview.
The database migration process using MBDT consists of the following steps:
- Create a destination database and schemas using tools provided by your DBMS vendor.
- Create an ODBC connection to the new target database:
- On Windows platforms, catalog an ODBC Data Source Name to the new target database using the 32- or 64-bit ODBC Data Source Administrator, depending on the COBOL working mode of your
enterprise server instance.
- On UNIX platforms, catalog an ODBC Data Source Name to the new target database using instructions from your ODBC Driver Manager documentation.
- Unload data and the LOAD control statement from z/OS DB2 with DSNUTILB UNLOAD.
- Using
Enterprise Server, create an
enterprise server instance with Mainframe Subsystem Support (MSS) that also supports JCL applications.
- Configure your
enterprise server instance by creating an ODBC XAR and MBDT aliases.
- Copy the LOAD control statement to the MBDT Windows or UNIX machine.
- Copy and catalog the unloaded DB2 data on the MBDT Windows or UNIX machine.
- Using SQLTP2, execute DDL to create the tables in the new target database.
- Load the DB2 data into the new target database with SQLUTB, using the LOAD card generated on the mainframe.
- Using SQLTP2, execute DDL to create the DB2 constraints and indexes in the new target database.
Tip: To see a detailed example, review the
Tutorial: DB2 Database Batch MIgration topic.