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Create the iFileshare Listener

  1. On the Enterprise Server Administration home page, in the row for the RED server, click Details in the Communications Processes column.

    A list of listeners appears.

  2. Click Add.

    The new listener details appear.

  3. In the Endpoint Protocol field, ensure TCP is selected.
  4. In the Name field, type FS1.

    This is the name of the Fileshare server.

  5. In the Supported Conversation Type list, select Fileshare.
  6. Click Add.
  7. Click Home to return to the Enterprise Server Administration home page, then repeat the same process for the GREEN and BLUE servers.

On Windows platforms, you can configure a shared memory listener instead. If you do, each listener endpoint address within the group must be unique; therefore, when configuring each server's listener, give the Endpoint Address a unique value.

Note: If you do configure a shared memory listener, remember to specify the shared memory protocol (/cm ccism) in your fhredir.cfg file later on in this walkthrough.

When a shared memory iFileshare listener is started, the listener endpoint uses a localised namespace (based on the user-name that started the iFileshare server). For example, if you start the iFileshare group from the Enterprise Server Administration page (as we do in this walkthrough), that by default starts with a user called mfuser.

Unless you specify that the endpoint uses a global namespace, user names other than mfuser would not be able to locate the listener, and thus be unable to use the iFileshare server:

  1. In your product installation's \bin directory, create a cci.ini file if one does not already exist; if one already exists in that location, just append this information to it.
  2. Within the [ccismem-base] section, add the following option:

  3. Save and close the file

    This will enable different user-names to interact with the iFileshare server.
The next task is to configure iFileshare for advanced logging.
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