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Input, output and display environment variables

These environment variables relate to configuring the input and output and the display.

Note: The Environment Variables: Alphabetical Order topic contains the values for most environment variables.
Variable Description
CCITCP2 Locates the TCP/IP registration program
CCITCP2_PORT The port that is being used for the registration process
CCITRACE Specifies the level of CCI tracing
COBAIF Locates .aif files
COBAIFNAME The basename of .aif files
COBATTR Specifies non-standard behavior for HIGHLIGHT and LOWLIGHT clauses used with ACCEPT and DISPLAY statements. It provides compatibility with earlier COBOL products.
COBCONFIG Specifies a run-time configuration file that tailors the run-time configurable options in some way.
COBCONFIGJVM Specifies a Java properties file that tailors the run-time configurable options for Java Virtual Machine applications.
COBCONFIG.BLOCK The location of the application configuration file
COBDIR Specifies the directory where the required Micro Focus COBOL system is installed. Many of the COBOL system components and utilities require and use this information. If the COBDIR environment variable is not set then the COBOL system acts as if it had been set to the default COBOL system directory.
COBKEYTIMEOUT Maximum elapsed time, in tenths of a second, for the connected terminal to transmit any valid escape sequence to the run-time system.
COBLANG The language environment in which your COBOL program runs
COBLPFORM Logical printer channels
COBMAINSTACK The size of the main stack
COBMODE Whether to start the server in 32-bit or 64-bit mode
COBOPT User default Cob utility options
COBPATH The location of programs for dynamic loading
COBPRINTER Specifies the name of a print spooler that is to receive, via its standard input stream (stdin), output from any DISPLAY UPON PRINTER statement.
COBPRFDIR Location of .ipf files created by programs compiled with the PROFILE compiler directive
COBSES The UNIX Session Recorder functions to perform
COBSW Run-time system switch settings for the run-time system to observe when running an application
COBTERMINFO The directory or directories to be searched by the run-time system for a terminfo database of terminal information tailored to the needs of COBOL applications. This enables COBOL applications to use different terminfo settings to those used by non-COBOL applications, such as vi, when using the same terminal.
COLUMNS Specifies screen width
ES_CAS_API Indicates whether casout or cassub has been executed by a call and not from the command line
ES_CONSOLE_LOG Sends console messages to the Windows Event Log
ES_CSKL_NO_MSG_CONSOLE Stops CSKL writing messages to console.log
ES_ESMAC_DISP_MAX_OVERRIDE The number of items displayed in the ESMAC catalog view
ES_JES_SPOOL_ORDER The order in which the spool list is displayed when you first open ESMAC. The default spool order is ascending. Setting this environment variable to 1 changes it to descending order - any other value displays it in ascending order.
ES_LEGACY_ECI Indicates that Enterprise Server must use Micro Focus ECI instead of IBM CTG
ES_MAX_CATALOG_LINES Restricts the number of entries displayed in ESMAC catalog view, and the default is 5000
ES_MEM_STRATEGY Selects the types of memory processes supported
ES_OTMA_TIMEOUT The time that an OTMA client should wait for an answer
ES_SEP_DORMANT_TIME Allows override of Transient SEP dormant time
ES_SERVER Server name (used if no -r switch is specified on casstart or casstop).
ES_SYSOUT_HOLD Message classes to route to the Out Hold queue
ES_TN3270_FORCE_ALT Enables you to use a screen size other than the default when using a TN3270 terminal emulator
ES_TN3270_MODEL_LOG Writes the TN3270 emulator's model name to a temporary storage queue named TN32MODL that can be viewed using the CEBR transaction
ES_USR_DFLT_CICS Allows you to override the default user when no user is logged on for CICS authentication
ES_USR_DFLT_ESMAC Allows you to override the default user when no user is logged on for ESMAC authentication
ES_USR_DFLT_JES Allows you to override the default user when no user is logged on for JES authentication
ES_ESM_DISABLE_DFLTUSER_ESMAC Allows you to disable the default ESMAC user in order to increase the security of your server. Disables the DEFAULT button on the logon screen and forces users to always enter a valid userid and password.
IMSCPY The location of copybook files for the DBDGEN, MFSGEN, and PSBGEN utilities.
ISPPROF The location of ISPF dialog profiles
JAVA_HOME Locates the JDK
LANG Specifies the language environment
LINES Specifies screen depth
LD_LIBRARY_PATH Locates shared libraries (applies to all operating systems except AIX)
LIBPATH Locates shared libraries (applies to AIX only)
MAINFRAME_FLOATING_POINT Specifies the format to use for floating point data items
MF_AMODE31ONLY Indicates that all programs are AMODE(31)
MF_CHARSET Specifies the system character set (ASCII or EBCDIC)
MF_USESCA5 Specifies that the server should use version 5 of the Open Service Component Architecture
MF_SPOOL_ARCHIVE_LOC The location of the file where the contents of the MVS SPOOL spool file are copied prior to deletion
MF_USESCA7 Specifies that the server should use version 7 of the Open Service Component Architecture
MFCODESET Specifies which translation tables to use. See Environment Variables Alphabetical Order for more details.
MFCSCFG A configuration file to be used by the client/server binding client program
MFEXTMAP Location of a mapper file
MFLOGDIR Log file directory
MFLECONFIG A configuration file for Language Environment (LE) run-time options
MFPRELOAD_USE Calls MFPRELOAD to improve perfomance
MFSUB Specifies whether to use SUBI or ASUBI
MFSYSCATDIR The location of the system catalog directory
MFUSER Default user ID
MQSERVER The location of a WebSphere MQ Server installation.
MULTMFENTMAP Specifies whether special characters such as < and & are replaced with the equivalent HTML entities (for example &lt; and &amp;)
OOSW OO run-time switches
PATH Directories to be searched for all UNIX programs
TERM Specifies terminal type
TERMINFO Locates the UNIX system terminfo database
TMPDIR Locates the directory for temporary files
TX_TN3270_FORCE_ALT Enables you to use a screen size other than the default when using a TN3270 terminal emulator
TXMAPP The location of the BMS load module
TXRDTP The location of MSS resource definition (RDO) files.
USER Default user name
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