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The Parameter Block

The code below is from the copybook MFUSRPRM.CPY. It describes the parameter block that is passed to the user module. The copybook is located in the %ProgramFiles(x86)%\Micro Focus\Enterprise Developer\cpylib (Windows) or $COBDIR/cpylib (UNIX) directory. See the comments in the code for descriptions of each field:

      *   Copyright (C) 2007-2015 Micro Focus Limited.
      *   All rights reserved.

      * Data items related to the module specified by MFFTP_USR_PGM   *
      *                                                               *
      * (tag)-usr-ftp-function-init                               *
      *   Function to be performed set as follows:                    *
      *   if (tag)-usr-ftp-function-init                          *
      *      used to cause the module to be loaded to ensure it exists*
      *   if (tag)-usr-ftp-function-call                          *
      *      normal call                                              *
      * (tag)-usr-ftp-return-code                                 *
      *   Indicate result of the call                                 *
      *   set (tag)-usr-ftp-ok true on an INIT call or if a       *
      *       normal call was deemed successful. The calling routine  *
      *       will scan the output to determine if the call to the    *
      *       FTP client was successful                               *
      *   set (tag)-usr-ftp-fail true if this module determines   *
      *       that there was a problem and that the calling module    *
      *       should not check the output                             *
      * (tag)-usr-ftp-ip-file-data.                               *
      *   Contains the length and fully qualified name of the file    *
      *   holding the normalised FTP control statements. This may be  *
      *   used directly or read to created an edited version as input *
      *   to the FTP client                                           *
      *    (tag)-usr-ftp-ip-name-len                              *
      *      actual length of the data in (tag)-usr-ftp-ip-name   *
      *    (tag)-usr-ftp-ip-name                                  *
      *      actual file name of the file holding the normalised FTP  *
      *      control statements                                       *
      * (tag)-usr-ftp-op-file-data.                               *
      *   Contains the length and fully qualified name of the file    *
      *   to hold the output from the FTP client that will be checked *
      *   (if appropriate) and printed by the calling routine. This   *
      *   may be the actual output from the FTP client or this        *
      *   routine may write an edited version here, for example to    *
      *   remove sensitive information.                               *
      *    (tag)-usr-ftp-op-name-len                              *
      *      actual length of the data in (tag)-usr-ftp-op-name   *
      *    (tag)-usr-ftp-op-name                                  *
      *      actual file name of the file to hold the output from the *
      *      FTP client (actual or edited)                            *
      * (tag)-usr-ftp-tmp-file-data.                              *
      *   Contains the length and the name of a directory that may be *
      *   used as a work are to hold temporary files.                 *
      *    (tag)-usr-ftp-tmp-name-len                             *
      *      actual length of the data in (tag)-usr-ftp-tmp-nam   *
      *    (tag)-usr-ftp-tmp-name                                 *
      *      The name of a directory that may be used to create       *
      *      temporary files, for example an edited input file or the *
      *      output from the FTP client before it is edited           *
      *                                                               *
       01  (tag)-mfftp-usr-ftp-parm.
         05  (tag)-usr-ftp-function                pic x(1).
           88  (tag)-usr-ftp-function-init         value '0'.
           88  (tag)-usr-ftp-function-call         value '1'.
         05  (tag)-usr-ftp-return-code             pic x(1).
           88  (tag)-usr-ftp-ok                    value '0'.
           88  (tag)-usr-ftp-fail                  value '1'.
         05  (tag)-usr-ftp-msg1                    pic x(64).
         05  (tag)-usr-ftp-msg2                    pic x(64).
         05  (tag)-usr-ftp-pass-ip-data.
           10  (tag)-usr-ftp-pass-ip-fname-len     pic 9(3).
           10  (tag)-usr-ftp-pass-ip-fname         pic x(512).
         05  (tag)-usr-ftp-pass-op-data.
           10  (tag)-usr-ftp-pass-op-fname-len     pic 9(3).
           10  (tag)-usr-ftp-pass-op-fname         pic x(512).
         05  (tag)-usr-ftp-user-ip-data.
           10  (tag)-usr-ftp-user-ip-fname-len     pic 9(3).
           10  (tag)-usr-ftp-user-ip-fname         pic x(512).
         05  (tag)-usr-ftp-user-op-data.
           10  (tag)-usr-ftp-user-op-fname-len     pic 9(3).
           10  (tag)-usr-ftp-user-op-fname         pic x(512).
         05  (tag)-usr-ftp-temp-data.
           10  (tag)-usr-ftp-temp-fname-len        pic 9(3).
           10  (tag)-usr-ftp-temp-fname            pic x(512).
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