Deploy the COBOL JVM runtime with the SQL runtime required to run the application.
Deploying an Enterprise JavaBean Containing JVM COBOL to a JBoss Application Server tutorial walks you through deploying the COBOL JVM Runtime System using a per-bean model. The COBOL JVM Runtime System library that is added to the
TemperatureConverterPrj deployment project as a deployment assembly contains several
.jar files comprising the runtime. In this tutorial, the
mfsqljvm.jar file makes up the SQL runtime. The following instructions enhance the instructions provided in the original tutorial by describing additional changes needed to deploy the SQL runtime using a shared model for JBoss AS 7.1:
- At a command prompt or using Explorer, go to your
%JBOSS_HOME%\modules\com\microfocus directory.
- Create a subdirectory named
- Under the new
openesql subdirectory, create a subdirectory named
- Copy
mfsqljvm.jar from the
%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Micro Focus\Enterprise Developer\bin directory to the
%JBOSS_HOME%\modules\com\microfocus\openesql\main directory.
- In the
%JBOSS_HOME%\modules\com\microfocus\openesql\main directory, create a new
module.xml file that contains the following code, which names the SQL runtime
mfsqljvm.jar file as a resource:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<module xmlns="urn:jboss:module:1.1" name="com.microfocus.openesql">
<module name="javaee.api"/>
<module name="com.microfocus.cobol.runtime"/>
<resource-root path="mfsqljvm.jar"/>
Unlike the non-SQL version of this tutorial, with SQL you must update the MANIFEST.FM file to list the SQL runtime namespace as a dependency.
- In the Eclipse
Navigator pane, navigate to
; then double-click
MANIFEST.MF to open it in the editor.
- Either add a
Dependencies: line or edit the existing
Dependencies: line to read as follows:
Dependencies: com.microfocus.cobol.runtime, com.microfocus.openesql
- Save the file and close the editor.