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Integrated Tools - Function Package Mapping

In AWM versions prior to V2.3, integrated AWM functions were modeled as so-called "integrated tools". These tools are now deprecated and replaced by different function package tools. The following table shows deprecated integrated tools and their new function package counterpart.

Integrated Tool (before AWM V2.3) Function Package - Tool
Children Refresher AWM – Refresh Children
Edit Clean Up AWM – Clean Edit Session
Edit Closer Eclipse – Close Editor
Edit Opener Eclipse – Edit Local File
Error Feedback AWM – Process Error Feedback
File Compare Eclipse – Compare Local Files
File Uploader AWM – Transfer File
Linked File Creator Eclipse – Create Resource
Local File Creator AWM – Create Persistent File
Local File Locator AWM – Locate Persistent File
Local Syntax Check Not supported.
Property Set Associator RDz – Create Property Group
Property Set Creator RDz – Associate Property Group
Property Set Remover RDz – Remove Property Group
Refresh Dependencies Not supported.
Remote Browse MVS – Browse MVS File
Remote Edit MVS – Edit MVS File
Submit JCL MVS – Submit JCL

Deprecated integrated tools in old models can be automatically converted by using the "Convert Deprecated Model…" function (see Converting a Deprecated Model).

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