Using an Eclipse client, ISPF applications can be modeled. For more information, see Attaching ISPF tools in the Workflow Manager Configuration Guide. To enable modeling, the master configuration dataset hlq.ZSERVER.MASTER must be customized:
******************************************************** * System and Application Workflow Model Definitions * Do not change the key words: * System: * Appl: * Conf: * Version: * INFO: * User: * * Enter an unique logical name for this mainframe system * System: XXXXXXXXXX * * MVS PROJECTS EXAMPLE APPLICATION * User: * application name Appl: MVS Projects Sample Application * location of the application configuration file Conf: mvs:'hlq.ZSERVER.XML(MVSCONF)' * application version number Version: 2.3.1 * process information Property: MVS_PROP_STATIC_SYSLIB_ASM=SYS1.MACLIB;SYS1.MODGEN;&userid..BANKVSAM.MACLIB Property: MVS_PROP_STATIC_SYSLIB_COBOL=&userid..BANKVSAM.COPYLIB Property: MVS_PROP_STATIC_SYSLIB_PLI=&userid..STAFF.INCLUDE INFO: * end of application definition. do not delete this line EndAppl: EndUser: * * AWM dialog sample application * User: * application name Appl: ISPF Dialogs * location of the application configuration file Conf: MVS:'hlq.zserver.XML(TAUDIALG)' * application version number Version: 1.4 * process information INFO: * end of application definition. do not delete this line EndAppl: EndUser:
Specify a system name after "System:", i.e. LPAR1. Replace every occurrence of hlq.zserver after "Conf:" with the high level qualifier chosen for the installation.
There is a REXX exec in hlq.ZSERVER.EXEC named TAUZCAPP which reads the master configuration dataset and sends the content to the client in formatted form. Replace hlq.ZSERVER after "sysdsn=" with the high level qualifier chosen for the installation.
When a client logs on using a new connection for the first time, the master configuration is sent from z/Server to the client and shows up in the Team Developer Tree View. This is done in the background, and a user server address space is started to send this master configuration. On subsequent logons (when the master configuration is already available), no user server is started. A user server address space is only started when a client request requires an ISPF environment (e.g. when an AWM ISPF tool is called).