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General Customization

The following adaptations are of special importance:

REXX Procedure Description
TAUZCAPP If the Endevor attachment is used within Enterprise Developer with z/Server as server, adjust the reference to the location of the master configuration file, as required.
TAULAPPL If the Endevor attachment is used within IBM Rational Developer for z Systems with the IBM RSE daemon as server, adjust the reference to the location of the master configuration file, as required.
TAUTOXA1 Tool interface exit: you may use this exit for dynamic allocations or to set the ISPF environment variables necessary to run your specific Endevor application.
Note: You must add a call of the procedure TAUENINI shipped with the Endevor Attachment in TAUTOXA1.

To minimize the number of calls during a user task session, add the following statements somewhere after the variable TAUTOALC has been retrieved from the ISPF shared pool:

/* Endevor Init */                   
If Result = 0 Then Do                
   If tautoalc /= p_parm Then        
      Call REXX '0 TAUENINI' p_parm  
   Call REXX '0 TAUENINI' p_parm   
/* End of Endevor Init */
Skeleton Name Description
TAUTOXJC   Skeleton for Batch-Support

Define a default Job Card.

The Endevor Attachment uses this skeleton if the user submits an Endevor batch job.

You will find more details about the general adaptations in your Workflow Manager Modeling Guide.

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