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New CICS Web Service Provider page

Attention: This feature is in Early Adopter Product (EAP) release status. We intend to provide the finalized feature in a future release. Please contact Micro Focus SupportLine if you require further clarification.

The CICS Web Services feature is EAP for development and testing usage. It should not be used for production deployment in this product release

Shows the name of the project in which the CICS Web service is created. The default is the current project. Click Browse to specify a different project.
Service definition
The WSDL file used to create the Web service. Click Browse to select a file.
Program name
The name of the generated Web service program.
Service location
The endpoint URL used to invoke the Web service, consisting of the server, port, and a URI used to identify the Web service in Enterprise Server.
Request file prefix
A file prefix for the generated copybook containing the request data structure.
Response file prefix
A file prefix for the generated copybook containing the response data structure.
Program interface
Lists the type of interfaces you can select for this Web service: COMMAREA or CHANNEL.
Container name
Shows the name of the container associated with the selected interface. The default name for the COMMAREA interface is DFHWS-DATA, which cannot be changed. For a CHANNEL interface, this field is enabled so you can type in the name of the container.
Default String Length
The maximum number of characters that can be processed in a COMMAREA or CHANNEL string.
Default Array Size
The maximum number of times a single array can be processed by a COMMAREA or CHANNEL string.
Additional parameters
Any additional parameters. See the ws2ls reference topic for a list of parameters.
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