Note: This is a technology preview feature only. It is being made available to allow you to test and provide feedback on this new capability; however, this feature is not intended for production use and it is not supported as such. Furthermore, Micro Focus does not guarantee that this feature will be delivered at a GA level and if it is, then the functionality provided might differ considerably from this technology preview.
The MDBT Configuration Utility enables you to
configure options for the following tools:
- SQLTP2 - Database Selection
- Enables you to specify how to handle dynamic SQL statements during migration.
- For SQL Server databases in which dynamic SQL statements are z/OS DB2 statements. This option is required when you are using HCOSS to migrate the database and your code contains z/OS DB2 CREATE SCHEMA statements.
- Agnostic
- Default. For SQL Server, DB2 LUW, Oracle, and PostgreSQL databases in which dynamic SQL statements are specific to the DBMS vendor specifications.
- SQLUTB - Commit
- To specify the issuing of single or multiple commit statements during a LOAD operation. The default is a single commit issued after all records have been loaded.
We recommend that you use the single commit to provide optimal performance. However, if DBMS logging or other such issues are a concern, you might prefer the multiple commit. For the multiple commit, you also specify a batch size (number of rows). During the LOAD operation, a commit is issued each time the batch size has been reached.
You can run the MBDT Configuration Utility
Enterprise Developer,
from the
Start menu, or
from the command line.