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Tutorial: IMS

This tutorial takes you step by step through the main features of Enterprise Developer and Enterprise Server IMS support. You start by importing an IMS demonstration application into Enterprise Developer, and finish by running the application on Enterprise Server.
Note: You can follow this tutorial in lieu of performing the steps outlined in IMS Installation Verification Procedure (IVP), which effectively produces the same end result using the command line instead of the Enterprise Developer user interface.


To complete this tutorial, you need the following software in addition to Enterprise Developer:

  • Micro Focus Rumba TN3270 emulator, supplied with the Enterprise Developer installer.
    Note: If you did not choose to install Rumba when you installed Enterprise Developer, either uninstall and then rerun the installer with the Install Rumba option checked, or use an alternative TN3270 emulator. If you choose to use a different TN3270 emulator, be aware that all instructions in this tutorial assume that you are using the embedded Rumba emulator.

Demonstration Application

This tutorial uses the MFDEMO demonstration, located by default in the %PUBLIC%\Documents\Micro Focus\Enterprise Developer\Samples\Mainframe\IMS\Classic\IVP (for 32-bit) or IVP64 (for 64-bit) directory.

MFDEMO is a COBOL IMS TM application for creating and maintaining an IMS DB tabular database. User-defined tables are organized by table element within table name. The following components are used by this application:

IMS components:

  • DEMO001T.PSB
  • DEMO90.MFS
  • DEMO91.MFS
  • DEMO92.MFS
  • TRANCODE.TXT - IMS Stage 1 file

COBOL components:

  • DEMO001T.CBL


In this tutorial you perform the steps typically required in implementing and running IMS applications. Follow the steps in these topics in the order presented here:

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