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Incorporates external text into the program being scanned.


%[label:] . . . INCLUDE pathname [,pathname] . . . ;




pathname can be any legal UNIX or Windows pathname, depending on the operating system used.

PDSNAME (MEMBER) uses -ipath and -isuffix to find the specified file. This is the functional equivalent of %INCLUDE MEMBER;

The included member can also specify an absolute file path and filename. The absolute file name must be in single or double quotes.


The %INCLUDE statement is used to include or incorporate strings of external text into the source program being scanned.

Included text can contain non-preprocessor and/or preprocessor statements. The scan continues with the first character in the included text. The included text is scanned in the same manner as the source program.

%INCLUDE statements can be nested to a limit of eight levels.


%INCLUDE statements cannot be embedded within EXEC statements.

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