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File Data

A file constant is represented by a file control block, which is an internal data structure maintained by Open PL/I. A file control block can be opened or closed and can thereby be connected to various files and devices known to the operating system. For example:


In this example, F is a file constant that designates a file control block. That file control block can be opened, closed, and used to perform I/O on files and devices known to the operating system.

A file variable is represented internally as a longword containing a pointer to a file control block. When evaluated, the value of the file variable is the address of the associated file's control block.

A file variable is capable of being assigned any file value; it is declared using both the FILE and VARIABLE attributes. For example:

   G = F;

In the previous example, G is a file variable assigned the value of the file constant F. After the assignment, operations on G are equivalent to operations on F because they both designate the file control block belonging to F.

File values may be assigned, compared for equality or inequality, passed as arguments, or returned from functions; however, no calculations or conversions can be performed on them, and they cannot be transmitted by stream l/o.

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