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Editing Mainframe Access Parameters

You edit the Mainframe Access parameter definitions located in member PARMS to customize them for your system. The sample parameter definitions are provided here as a convenient reference while you read. Lines that begin with an asterisk are treated as comments and are skipped in processing. All parameters must be contained on a single input statement and we recommend that you begin your parameter keywords in column 1. The first blank character following a parameter value indicates the end of the parameter keyword and value pair and any text following that blank is treated as a comment.

*                                                                    *
* Micro Focus Mainframe Access - Initialization Parameters           *
*                                                                    *
* For minimum customization during installation you should review    *
* the following parameters and change them to suit your              *
* installation, if necessary.  These customizations will allow you   *
* to complete the installation and perform basic installation        *
* verification testing.  These minimum customizations are also       *
* sufficient to enable testing of MFA and SQL Option client          *
* functions.                                                         *
*                                                                    *
* TCP_PORT         port to be used by client applications            *
* NETWORK ID       see VTAM definitions in SYS1.VTAMLST(ACTSTRxx)    *
* LU62 APPLID      update if you changed sample MFAVTAM              *
* APPLID PASSWORD  update if you changed sample MFAVTAM              *
*                                                                    *
* Additional customization and/or setup work is required to enable   *
* the use of other product functions.  After installation            *
* verification testing, refer to the product documentation to        *
* continue with customization for these additional functions:        *
*                                                                    *
* CICS Option                                                        *
* IMS Option                                                         *
* MFA access list checking                                           *
* MFA audit logging                                                  *
* MFA support for external library managers                          *
* ES/MTO                                                             *
*                                                                    *
*                                                                    *
*                          Change Log                                *
*                                                                    *
*                                                                    *
* ChangeID  Description                                              *
* --------  -------------------------------------------------------- *
* 2.0       New parameter - MFA_JOBNAME_CHECK                        *
* 2.0       New parameter - MFA_GUI_IGNOREUSERCTO                    *
* 2.0       New parameter - MFA_GUI_BLANKPASSWORDS                   *
* SP2WS1HF6 New parameter - MFA_ACCEPT_EMPTY_FILES                   *
* SP2       New parameter - BIND_NETADDR=                     *
* SP2       New parameter - MFA_MCG_DB2CONNECTION=RRSAF              *
* SP2       New parameter - CHANGEMAN_SSID=                          *
* SP2       New parameter - CHANGEMAN_ASGROUP=CGMQ                   *
* SP2       New parameter - CHANGEMAN_INTERFACE=SERXMLAC             *
* SP2       New parameter - CHANGEMAN_DSNQUALIFIER=                  *
* WS05HF1   New parameter - CHANGEMAN_COMMON_BUILD=NO                *
* WS05HF1   New parameter - CHANGEMAN_TEST_OPTION=NO                 *
* WS05HF1   New parameter - MFA_ENDEVOR_INTERFACE=YES                *
* WS05HF1   New parameter - MFA_PANVALET_INTERFACE=YES               *
* WS05HF1   New parameter - MFA_LIBRARIAN_INTERFACE=YES              *
* WS05HF1   New parameter - MFA_LIBRARIAN_DIR_INFO=LONG              *
* WS06      New parameter - ES/MTO OUTBOUND FEATURE=NO               *
* WS06      ChangeMan parameters moved to MFA services section       *
* General Parameters                                                 *
SYSOUT=A                       --- Required if TRACE=SYSPRINT
ROUTE=(2,11)                   --- Console message route codes
ORGANIZATION=YOUR_COMPANY_NAME --- Company name (no embedded spaces)
ASTYPE=CTLRGN                  --- Parms for MFA control region
NETWORK ID=DDINET1             --- SNA network ID where MFA is running
LU62 APPLID=MFM62ACB           --- VTAM LU6.2 APPL
TRACE=SYSPRINT                 --- "SYSPRINT", "GTF" or "CONSOLE"
TRACING=NO                     --- Start tracing (YES/NO)
LIST PARMS=YES                 --- List parameters on sysout (YES/NO)
EID=00E9                       --- Required if TRACE=GTF
COMPRESSION=NO                 --- Compression for SQL Option traffic
ACCESS LIST CHECK=NO           --- Access List checking (YES/NO)
AUDIT LOG=NO                   --- Audit Logging (YES/NO)
TCP_PORT=2020                  --- TcpIp port for MFA, TELNET
BACKLOG=5                      --- TcpIp "listen" backlog
BUFFER SIZE=0                  --- TcpIp send/recv buffer size (0=MAX)
TIME OUT FOR CONNECTION=30     --- TcpIp idle timeout minutes (0=NONE)
TIME OUT FOR INITIAL RECV=10   --- Initial recv tot seconds (1<x<59)
MAX_PUBLIC_FILES=10            --- Dataset Services max shared files
DSS_SCAN_INTERVAL=30           --- Dataset Services scan interval
SMF_RECORDID=0                 --- SMF record ID
CGMQOTMA LOGDD=SYSOUT          --- CG production log DDname or "SYSOUT"
BIND_NETADDR=           --- Hostname/IP address for listeners
*CHANGEMAN_TEST_OPTION=NO       --- ChangeMan <TEST> option (YES/NO)
* Mainframe Access services parameters                               *
MFA_ACCEPT_EMPTY_FILES         --- Download empty data sets (YES,NO)
MFA_ENDEVOR_INTERFACE=YES      --- Use Endevor   interface (YES,NO)
MFA_GUI_BLANKPASSWORD          --- Clear password field (YES,NO)
MFA_GUI_IGNOREUSERCTO          --- Disable inactivity timeout (YES,NO)
MFA_JOBNAME_CHECK              --- Batch job starts with submitter's ID (YES,NO)
MFA_PANVALET_INTERFACE=YES     --- Use Panvalet  interface (YES,NO)
MFA_LIBRARIAN_INTERFACE=YES    --- Use Librarian interface (YES,NO)
MFA_ENDEVOR_HISTORY=YES        --- Endevor MFALOGE history (YES,NO)
MFA_LIBRARIAN_HISTORY=YES      --- Librarian MFALOG history (YES,NO)
MFA_LIBRARIAN_UPD_MODULE=AFOLIBR - Librarian batch update module name
MFA_LIBRARIAN_DIR_INFO=LONG    --- Librarian dir list (SHORT or LONG)
MFA_PANVALET_HISTORY=YES       --- Panvalet MFALOG history (YES,NO)
MFA_PANVALET_UPD_MODULE=PAN#1  --- Panvalet batch update module name
MFA_SAF_HISTORY=YES            --- Data set access MFALOG history
CHANGEMAN_SSID=                --- ChangeMan subsystem ID x ("SERx")
CHANGEMAN_ASGROUP=CGMQ         --- ChangeMan address space group name
CHANGEMAN_INTERFACE=SERXMLAC   --- ChangeMan XML batch client interface
CHANGEMAN_DSNQUALIFIER=        --- ChangeMan DSN qualifier
CHANGEMAN_COMMON_BUILD=NO      --- ChangeMan shared build opts (YES/NO)
CHANGEMAN_TEST_OPTION=NO       --- ChangeMan <TEST> option (YES/NO)
* Services to be activated                                           *
TCP LINK FEATURE=YES           --- SQL Option, Telnet client
MFADIRECT=YES                  --- Mainframe Access services
MFA FEATURE=YES                --- Mainframe Access Data Connect Server
PEM FEATURE=YES                --- Password Expiration Manager
MCO FEATURE=NO                 --- CICS Option
REMOTE IMS FEATURE=NO          --- IMS Option
LIST DB2=NO                    --- DB2 and IMS subsystem finder
ES/MTO OUTBOUND FEATURE=NO     --- ES/MTO Outbound support
ZSERVER FEATURE=YES            --- z/Server MFA service
* Number of tasks to run for each service                            *
TCPLINK_MAXTASKS=2             --- # of TCBS for TCP LINK feature
MFALINK_MAXTASKS=2             --- # of TCBS for MFA Server routing
MFADIRECT_MAXTASKS=5           --- # of TCBS for MFA processing
IMSLINK_MAXTASKS=0             --- # of TCBS for IMS Option
MCOLINK_MAXTASKS=0             --- # of TCBS for CICS Option
The order shown here is a logical one. However, you can enter the parameters in any order, as long as they are followed by the END marker. We strongly recommend that the SYSOUT and ROUTE parameters be specified at the beginning of the definitions to ensure that startup messages issued during the remainder of parameter processing reach the proper destinations. The following table lists and describes the parameters in alphabetical order.
Parameter Description
ACCESS LIST CHECK Indicates whether or not the access list feature is to be activated for clients. This enables you to restrict access to Mainframe Access according to the connecting client's IP address (see the section Editing Access List Definitions). Specify NO to accept all client connection requests, regardless of the client's IP address. Specify YES to permit client connections based on the PERMIT and REJECT rules for IP addresses defined in your access list.
APPLID PASSWORD The ACF/VTAM ACB password to be used when Mainframe Access opens its VTAM ACB. Specify a password consisting of between one and eight characters. This value must match the password value specified by the PRTCT parameter in the Mainframe Access VTAM application program major node definition in VTAMLST.
ASTYPE Specifies the type of Mainframe Access server region. Valid values are CTLRGN, STANDARD and APPSERVER:
  • CTLRGN starts a full-function Mainframe Access server control region capable of managing dependent address spaces. This is the normal setting for your Mainframe Access server.
  • STANDARD (the default) starts Mainframe Access server without support for dependent address spaces. The standard server is full-function but it cannot automatically start and stop the Mainframe Access Data Connect server and Mainframe Access application servers.
  • APPSERVER starts a Mainframe Access server dependent region for transaction processing. This setting is used in the initialization parameters for application server regions that are started and controlled by a Mainframe Access server control region.
AUDIT LOG Indicates whether or not the audit log is to be activated. Specify YES to activate or NO to deactivate. If audit logging is selected, be sure to complete the tasks described in the section Allocating and Initializing an Audit Log Data Set, above.
BACKLOG The number of pending TCP/IP connection requests that the TCP/IP network software should hold while Mainframe Access is processing the current connection request. Connection processing is typically handled very quickly and a small backlog of between 5 and 10 should be adequate for most installations. If you have an unusually high number of concurrent connection requests, some end users might receive a connection reject message. Specify a positive integer value in the range 5 through 50.
BIND_NETADDR Selects the network address(es) to which the Mainframe Access listening port (TCP_PORT) should be bound. Specify (or omit this parameter) to bind the ports to all network addresses assigned to the host system. Specify a specific network address or a logical host name (64-character maximum) to restrict Mainframe Access to a single, specific host network address.
BUFFER SIZE The maximum amount of data that Mainframe Access should send or receive through the TCP/IP network software in one send or receive operation. Specify 0 (zero) to allow Mainframe Access to use the optimum buffer size; this is recommended, as it will reduce the number of send or receive calls made to the TCP/IP network software. Specify an explicit value in the range 512 to 32767 only if you have diagnosed a problem with your TCP/IP network software that is associated with large message sizes.
CHANGEMAN_COMMON_BUILD Specifies whether or not Mainframe Access accommodates group builds submitted under AppMaster Builder. Specify YES to enable group builds or NO to disable them. The default is NO. When enabled for group builds, MFA modifies the build options for each member of the AMB group to match the component name and type submitted, ensuring that each build request in the group is properly executed.
CHANGEMAN_DSNQUALIFIER Specifies a high-level qualifier for dynamically allocated data sets created by MFA Server to hold input files during the staging process. MFA Server creates these data sets dynamically as card-image sequential data sets that are deleted when the associated client request completes. The default qualifier is the login ID of the current user. You should set an alternate qualifier if your installation’s SERNET does not have RACF authority to read or write data into files stored in data sets named with the current user’s login ID as the high-level qualifier.

If an alternate qualifier is required, see your ChangeMan administrator or your security administrator for assistance in selecting a proper value.

If your ChangeMan functionality is restricted by security subsystem authorizations, you might need to specify your dataset high-level qualifier such that read access to the data sets is always permitted.

CHANGEMAN_INTERFACE Specifies the name of the ChangeMan ZMF module. During ChangeMan request processing, MFA Server loads and branch enters this module. Valid values are SERXMLBC and SERXMLAC. The default is SERXMLAC.

The preferred interface module is SERXMLAC, which is not documented by Serena; however, it provides better interface performance than SERXMLBC by using virtual storage instead of data sets for XML input and output exchange between MFA Server (the requester) and ChangeMan ZMF.

Serena documents only the SERXMLBC interface, which is the XML services batch client. SERXMLBC is intended for use in a batch job stream and requires XMLIN and XMLOUT DD statements to define its required data sets. The MFAAS JCL sample provides sample DD statements for XMLIN and XMLOUT; however, they are commented out. If you must use SERXMLBC, contact SupportLine for assistance with data set definitions.

This parameter is required in both the PARMS member and the PARMSAS member used by application server address spaces.

CHANGEMAN_SSID Initializes the Mainframe Access ChangeMan interface by providing the final character of the z/OS subsystem ID used to identify ChangeMan. Omit this parameter to bypass Mainframe Access initialization for the ChangeMan interface. Valid values are any single alphabetic or numeric character. The character specified is appended to the subsystem ID string "SER", completing the four-character ID. For example, if you specify CHANGEMAN_SSID=A, the z/OS subsystem ID becomes "SERA".

This parameter is required in both the PARMS member and the PARMSAS member used by application server address spaces.

Your ChangeMan administrator can help you to determine the correct subsystem ID to use.

CHANGEMAN_TEST_OPTION Specify whether or not MFA uses the XML trace option. Specify YES to enable XML trace or NO to disable it. The default is NO. When enabled, SERNET logs information in XML format into the standard SERPRINT DD file. This file can be used to identify problems and to validate MFA services. Enabling XML trace is not recommended for production systems due to the large volume of log data generated.
COMPRESSION Indicates whether or not Mainframe Access should apply data compression when communicating with SQL Option for DB2 clients. Specify YES to activate data compression or NO to deactivate it.
DSS_SCAN_INTERVAL The time period in minutes between Data Set Services checks for abandoned buffers or open files. Due to unforeseen environmental errors, transactions may abnormally terminate while holding open files and other I/O resources. These scans locate idle resources and return them to an available status and ensure that no file is held idle for more than two consecutive scan intervals. Specify the number of minutes as an integer value between 30 and 90. The default is 30 minutes.
EID The event ID of Mainframe Access GTF user trace records. The EID must be available for exclusive use by Mainframe Access and must match the USR=(eid) parameter specified to GTF when GTF is started (see the sample member GTFCNTL). This parameter is valid only when TRACE=GTF is specified. Specify a hexadecimal number of up to four bytes that GTF recognizes as a valid user trace record identifier.
ES/MTO OUTBOUND FEATURE Controls whether or not Mainframe Access accommodates ES/MSS. Specify YES to enable ES/MSS support or NO to disable it. The default is NO.

When disabled, MFA Server initialization ignores all ES/MSS server definitions contained in the SERVERS startup member.

When enabled, MFA Server processes ES/MSS server definitions at startup, initializing and allocating the VTAM ACBs defined for ES/MSS support. MFA Server also starts the required processes to manage ISC conversations initiated by the defined z/OS CICS systems to the defined ES/MSS servers.

IMSLINK_MAXTASKS The number of z/OS subtasks (TCBs) to be started and dedicated to processing requests from IMS Option (Remote IMS) clients. Specify 0 (zero) or a positive integer value between 1 and 50.
LIST DB2 Indicates whether or not the Mainframe Access LIST DB2 feature is to be activated. This obtains information about the DB2 and IMS subsystems. Specify YES to activate LIST DB2 or NO to deactivate it.
LIST PARMS Controls the listing of Mainframe Access parameter definitions on the XDBOUT sysout data set. The parameter listing is helpful when you need to examine the active configuration settings. Specify YES to echo parameter definitions to the XDBOUT sysout data set or NO to inhibit the listing.
LU62 APPLID The ACF/VTAM ACBNAME to be used by Mainframe Access. This ACBNAME must match the ACBNAME parameter of an active VTAM application major node (see the section Editing Mainframe Access Server Definitions ). Mainframe Access issues a VTAM OPEN request for this ACBNAME during startup and initialization fails if the OPEN is not successful. This ACBNAME (or the possibly different "network name" specified in the VTAM application major node definition) is the SNA LU name that identifies Mainframe Access to other applications in your SNA network. Specify the ACBNAME that has been defined and activated for Mainframe Access.
MAX_PUBLIC_FILES The maximum number of shared public files that Mainframe Access Data Set Services should keep available. When the maximum is reached the next request for a new public file will be rejected, and you must close one of the item libraries to make space for the new one. Specify an integer value between 24 and 64. Defaults to 32.
MCOLINK_MAXTASKS The number of z/OS subtasks (TCBs) to be started and dedicated to processing requests from CICS clients. Specify 0 (zero) or a positive integer value between 1 and 50.
MFA_ACCEPT_EMPTY_FILES Indicates whether or not empty VSAM or VB data sets can be downloaded. Set to YES to allow empty files to be downloaded, or set to NO to restrict this. When the files are downloaded, they are converted to MF format using DFCONV. To enable this option, it must be placed in the member referenced by the DD name XDBIN, and the MFA client modules must be updated. The default value is YES.
MFADIRECT Indicates whether or not Mainframe Access Source Connect and Drag & Drop services are to be activated. Specify YES to activate these services or NO to disable these services. The default value is YES (the recommended setting).
MFADIRECT_MAXTASKS The number of z/OS subtasks (TCBs) to be started and dedicated to processing requests from Mainframe Access Drag & Drop and Source Connect clients, including Mainframe Access client functions and other development environment clients. Specify 0 (zero) or a positive integer value between 1 and 50. The default value is 5.
MFA_ENDEVOR_HISTORY YES is the default. This will dynamically create a cumulative Endevor transaction history file (MFALOGE) to house the access history of all file access attempts using Endevor. The Endevor API interface produces this log for each access requested.
MFA_ENDEVOR_INTERFACE YES is the default. Specify NO to prevent MFA Server from offering access to Endevor services.
MFA FEATURE Indicates whether or not communication with the Mainframe Access Data Connect server is to be activated. Specify YES to activate the Mainframe Access Data Connect feature or NO to deactivate it.
MFA_GUI_BLANKPASSWORD Set to YES to clear the password input field on the Drag and Drop user dialog.
MFA_GUI_IGNOREUSERCTO Set to YES to disable the inactivity time-out on the Drag and Drop user dialog.
MFA_JOBNAME_CHECK Set to YES to check that the batch job name starts with the submitter's userid.
MFA_LIBRARIAN_HISTORY YES is the default. This will include a summary audit trail of all LIBRARIAN data accesses as part of the MFALOG output log.
MFA_LIBRARIAN_DIR_INFO LONG is the default. This directs MFA Server to request complete member information from Librarian. The LONG specification significantly increases response time when accessing Librarian master files containing over 1,000 members. Specify SHORT to reduce the amount of member information requested from Librarian.
MFA_LIBRARIAN_INTERFACE YES is the default. Specify NO to prevent MFA Server from offering access to Librarian services.
MFA_LIBRARIAN_UPD_MODULE The name of the Librarian Batch update utility originally shipped as AFOLIBR by Computer Associates. If this module has not been renamed, then this parameter need not be specified.
MFALINK_MAXTASKS The number of z/OS subtasks (TCBs) to be started and dedicated to processing requests from Mainframe Access Data Connect clients including Mainframe Access client functions originating in COBOL development environment clients. Specify 0 (zero) or a positive integer value between 1 and 50.
MFA_MCG_DB2CONNECTION Controls which attachment facility is used by Mainframe Access Server for DB2 connections. Specify CAF (to use the DB2 call attach facility) or RRSAF (to use the DB2 Recoverable Resource Manager Services attachment facility). RRSAF is the default if this parameter is omitted.
MFA_PANVALET_HISTORY YES is the default. This will include a summary audit trail of all user accesses to Panvalet as part of the MFALOG output log.
MFA_PANVALET_INTERFACE YES is the default. Specify NO to prevent MFA Server from offering access to Panvalet services.
MFA_PANVALET_UPD_MODULE The name of the Panvalet Batch update utility originally shipped as PAN#1 by Computer Associates. If this module has not been renamed, then this parameter need not be specified.
MFA_SAF_HISTORY YES is the default. This will include a summary audit trail of all file access authorizations as part of the MFALOG output log.
MFA_SYSOUT_CLASS Default value is A. This is used as the SYSOUT class for any held data produced by Mainframe Access. This includes MFALOG, MFALOGE, and SNAPDUMP message files.
MFA_SYSOUT_DEST Default value is LOCAL. This is used as the SYSOUT destination for any held data produced by Mainframe Access. This includes MFALOG, MFALOGE, and SNAPDUMP message files.
NETWORK ID The SSCP network ID used by ACF/VTAM on this z/OS system. This parameter must match the NETID parameter in the active ATCSTRxx VTAM start parameters member of VTAMLST. This Network ID value is used by Mainframe Access to build an LUWID (SNA Logical Unit of Work ID for LU6.2) when an LU6.2 conversation is allocated to the DB2 DDF. Specify the 1 to 8 character Network ID from ACF/VTAM's startup parameters.
ORGANIZATION Your company name or other meaningful identifier up to 40 characters in length. Spaces are not permitted. Use underscores or other non-blank characters to separate words if necessary.
PEM FEATURE Indicates whether or not the Mainframe Access Password Expiration Manager (PEM) feature is to be activated.

PEM is used in some Micro Focus client products to allow users of the client software on PCs to change passwords for their z/OS user IDs without logging on directly to z/OS. This is especially useful when the security subsystem indicates that the current password is expired and must be replaced. Specify YES (this setting is recommended) to activate the PEM feature or NO to deactivate it.

REMOTE IMS FEATURE Indicates whether or not communication with IMS subsystems used by the IMS Option (Remote IMS) is to be activated. Specify YES to activate the Remote IMS feature or NO to deactivate it.
ROUTE The message route codes to be used by Mainframe Access when console messages are issued using the z/OS WTO (Write to Operator) and WTOR (Write to Operator with Reply) services. See your IBM system documentation for valid values.
SMF_RECORDID The SMF user record ID that Mainframe Access should use when writing SMF (IBM's System Management Facility) records to the z/OS SMF data sets. If an SMF user record ID is specified, that ID value should be assigned to Mainframe Access exclusively. Specify a valid SMF user record ID number to activate the Mainframe Access SMF support. Specify 0 (zero), or omit the parameter altogether, to disable the writing of SMF records.
SYSOUT The SYSOUT class for the XDBOUT data set if it is dynamically allocated. Mainframe Access operational messages and trace data (when TRACE=SYSPRINT is specified and tracing is active) are written to this data set. XDBOUT is dynamically allocated to this SYSOUT class if an XDBOUT DD statement is not present in the Mainframe Access JCL. Specify a SYSOUT class designator that is valid for your z/OS system.
TCP LINK FEATURE Indicates whether or not the TCP/IP connection feature is to be activated. You must specify YES.
TCP_PORT The port number to accept connections from Micro Focus clients.
TCPLINK_MAXTASKS The number of z/OS subtasks (TCBs) to be started and dedicated to processing requests from SQL Option for DB2 clients. Specify a positive integer value between 1 and 50.
TIME OUT FOR CONNECTION The number of minutes that a client connection can remain idle, after which the connection will be broken and Mainframe Access resources dedicated to the client will be released. Resources that are released when an idle client is disconnected include allocated storage, TCP/IP resources and connections to server subsystems such as DB2, IMS, CICS and Mainframe Access. Specify 0 (zero) to disable the client timeout feature and allow unlimited idle time, or a positive integer value.
TIME OUT FOR INITIAL RECV The number of seconds that the listener process (Micro Focus client listener or Web Server listener) will wait to receive the initial client message after a socket connection has been accepted from a new client. If the time value expires before a complete initial message is received, the client is disconnected and the listening process prepares to accept another client connection request. The default value of 3 seconds is appropriate for all installations. This low value helps keep the listeners running smoothly, even during occasional network and/or client malfunctions. Specify a positive integer value between 1 and 59 (inclusive) to alter the time out value. This may be useful for diagnostic purposes.
TRACE The destination for trace data when tracing is activated.
  • Specify SYSPRINT to send print formatted trace output to the data set identified by the XDBOUT DD statement, normally a SYSOUT data set. We recommend this setting during initial product testing and when you are performing controlled problem determination.
  • Specify GTF to trace a very active Mainframe Access that is processing a high transaction volume. Trace data collected by GTF is written to external storage (tape or DASD) in a raw data format while tracing is active. You can use IBM's IPCS (Interactive Problem Control System) to format the data for analysis after tracing has been completed. Trace records are sent to the console if GTF is not available when TRACE=GTF is specified.
  • Specify CONSOLE to send trace output to the system log and console (not recommended because of the large volume of messages).
TRACING Specifies whether or not detailed tracing of Mainframe Access Server program activity should be started during initialization processing. Normally tracing should be turned off during initialization and during normal product operation. Activity tracing writes detailed information to the XDBOUT sysout data set and this can slow down performance in a busy server. Tracing is normally controlled by the TRACE ON and TRACE OFF commands after initialization is complete. The TRACING parameter makes it possible to trace the initialization activity, before the server is ready to accept TRACE ON/OFF commands. Activity trace started by the TRACING parameter can be stopped later using the TRACE OFF command. Specify YES to activate tracing during initialization or specify NO to inhibit activity tracing until a TRACE ON command is issued.
ZSERVER FEATURE=YES Indicates whether Mainframe Access Server should be paired with z/Server. Specify YES to activate the Mainframe Access server and z/Server service feature or NO to deactivate it.
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