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Sets the current evaluation environment.

Command Syntax

ENVIRONMENT [environment]


Can be a simple block name or a block name followed by an activation number or a statement identifier


The ENVIRONMENT command sets the current evaluation environment to provide scope to the debugger for identifying variables and statements.

An activation number is used to establish, as an environment, an activation of a block other than the most recent one. If the environment argument is not specified, the evaluation environment is set to the environment containing the current execution point, and the current source file pointer is set to the current execution point. Whenever the environment changes during program execution, the evaluation environment is reset to the environment containing the current execution point.


In the following example, the current evaluation environment is changed to PRIMES, and then it is reset to the previous evaluation environment by using Environment without any arguments.

CodeWatch> E n
N =                5 {fixed binary (31)}
CodeWatch> ENV
Environment reset to PRIMES.READ_INPUT
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