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Creating and Configuring an Enterprise Server Instance for IMS

To run IMS applications, you must create an enterprise server instance that is MSS-enabled and appropriately configured to run an IMS application. You can do this either from the Enterprise Developer IDE or Enterprise Server Administration. When you create the enterprise server instance from the Enterprise Developer IDE, much of the configuration is done for you; however, both methods require manual configuration as well.

Creating an enterprise server instance from Enterprise Developer using the IMS Template

Enterprise Developer provides an Enterprise Server template, IMSTemplate.xml, that you can use to simplify the process of creating and configuring an enterprise server instance for an IMS application. IMSTemplate.xml is located in %ProgramFiles(x86)%\Micro Focus\Enterprise Developer\etc\ServerTemplates by default. When you use the template to create the enterprise server instance, the following is enabled or configured for you automatically based on your Enterprise Developer project properties and the information you supply when creating the enterprise server:

Default configuration for an IMS-enabled enterprise server instance:
  • MSS is enabled
  • IMS is enabled
  • System Initialization Table is set to IMSSIT
  • Message processing region (MPR) is created
Configuration based on information required by the template:
  • Enterprise server instance name
  • Project is associated with enterprise server instance
  • Working mode, 32- or 64-bit
Configuration based on Enterprise Developer project properties:
  • Application path
  • Configuration directory
  • Database path
  • GEN file directory
  • Map/MFS path
  • Transaction path

You must manually specify a TN3270 listener and port number.

Creating and configuring an enterprise server instance from Enterprise Server Administration

When you create an enterprise server instance from Enterprise Server Administration with the intent to run an IMS application on the enterprise server, you must configure the following as a minimum:

When initially creating the enterprise server instance, specify:
  • A name for the enterprise server instance
  • Mainframe Subsystem Support
  • Working mode, 32- or 64-bit
  • Specify a TN3270 listener and port number
Manually configure the following:
  • Enable IMS
  • Specify a System Initialization Table (SIT)
  • Specify the location of:
    • Application files
    • Database files
    • Generated files
    • Maps/MFS files
    • Transaction files
  • Specify a message processing region (MPR)
Optional IMS configuration:
You can also configure the following, based on the needs of your IMS application:
  • If your IMS application contains JCL, you must also configure the enterprise server for JCL
  • If you want to use IMS Connect to connect to the database, enable IMS Connect
  • Create a resource group
  • Add a resource group to a startup list
  • Define transactions
  • Calculate shared memory area requirements
  • Specify printers
  • Migrated IMS applications do not require that you define services, request handlers or implementation packages; however, you should not delete the system services and request handlers that are automatically associated with an enterprise server when you create it.
  • Resources, SITs and startup lists are all CICS concepts. However, our IMS support in Enterprise Server is closely integrated with support for CICS, and as a result, much of the configuration necessary to run CICS applications in an enterprise server is also necessary to run IMS applications. If you are not familiar with CICS concepts, we suggest you read MSS and CICS Support before continuing.
  • Our Enterprise Server product includes many tools and features you can use with IMS applications but that are not specific to IMS applications. Read the Configuration and Administration section to become familiar with other features you might find useful.
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