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JCL SYSIN Parameters

Restriction: This topic applies only when the AppMaster Builder AddPack has been installed, and applies only to Windows platforms.

The following table lists JCL SYSIN parameters you can use with the DGS. To see an example of these in the JCL, see JCL Example.

Table 1. JCL SYSIN Parameters
APPLICATION Application name containing the screen or program being generated
APSDEBUG Specifies the generation of S-COBOL debug code; valid values are YES and NO
CODEPAGE Country Code Page (Default is 1140, USA code)
CURRENCY Currency symbol used for picture clauses
DB For program generation: gives data base target (DLI, IMS, VSAM)
DC Data communication target. For program generation, valid targets are CICS, IMS, ISPF, and MVS. For screen generation, valid targets are CICS and IMS.
DEBUG INPUT Writes images of AMBCOMP SYSIN lines to held output, excluding comment lines unless DEBUG SHOWCOMMENTS is specified
DEBUG POSTCALL Writes debug information to held output before the generation request is sent to the DGS
DEBUG PRECALL Writes debug information to held output upon completion of the generation process
DEBUG SHOWCOMMENTS Writes images of AMBCOMP SYSIN comments lines to held output
DEBUG XML-ATOM Writes individual XML atoms to held output
DEBUG XML-FILE Writes the XML file passed to the DGS to held output
DECIMAL Character used to represent the decimal point
ENDEVOR Enables Endevor support
FOOTPRINT Writes Endevor Footprint information to the program manifest file
GENTYPE Indicates generation type: APSPROG or APSSCRN (APSSRC, APSEXPS and APSEXPSF not implemented yet)
LANGUAGE Language being used
LOGFILE SYSOUT Write the AMB generation logfile to SYSOUT
MAPSET For CICS screen generation only, specifies the BMS mapset name
MAXJOBQCOL n Specifies the maximum record length allowed per record in the uploaded AMB generation logfile; valid values are 80 to 132 inclusive
MQMANAGERNAME Name of the MQ Manager for your configuration
MQWAITINTERVAL Timeout period for an MQ message in 1000ths of a second
NODEFDD Looks for APSMACS and APSCNTL locations specified in SYSIN DD cards only
OSVSGEN For program generation: value is NO to enable non-OS/VS code generation (same as COBOL-II = “YES"); otherwise the value is YES
PROGRAM For program generation: the program name
PGMNAME For PROGRAM-ID generation: generates PROGRAM-ID values inside quotes; valid value is LONGMIXED
PROGRAMMANIFEST YES For program generation: create a manifest file as part of the generation process
SCANCOBOLCOPYBOOKS Specifies whether or not to suppress the scanning of COBOL copybook files and writing that information to the program manifest. Valid values are YES (default) to scan and NO to suppress scanning.
SCANDDISRC Specifies whether or not to suppress the scanning of DDISYMB files and writing that information to the program manifest. Valid values are YES (default) to scan and NO to suppress scanning.
SCREEN For screen generation: the screen name; this parameter can occur multiple times for a CICS target
SQL For program generation: the value is DB2 if the program accesses SQL tables
WORKGROUP If non-blank, the workgroup name
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