You use the Enterprise Server security facility to implement user authentication, and to control access to the applications and resources that a system uses.
You control access to Enterprise Server administrative features, MSS applications and application resources through the use of security managers, sometimes referred to as external security managers (ESMs). Through the use of these security managers, you can implement measures such as verifying users against the operating system configuration or incorporating an LDAP repository into your Enterprise Server security.
Securing an installation involves securing access to the following system components:
The Directory Server maintains records of system components and their configurations. You use the Enterprise Server Administration user interface (ESMAC) to create and modify these configurations. Securing the Directory Server controls who can configure the system.
Enterprise Servers use the application's program files, data files, and other items that a system uses while operating.
You can configure SSL links between components to secure these communications. This is covered in another part of the help.
Enterprise Server emulates the mainframe operating system on Microsoft Windows, UNIX and Linux operating system platforms. Mainframe user authentication constraints and technical limitations are therefore emulated through the Enterprise Server External Security Facility (ESF) Manager to ensure mainframe compatibility.
To avoid issues with user signon and similar functions, avoid attempting to create user IDs or passwords that do not meet these requirements.