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Match Rank

Note: The following discussion applies only when Compatibility Rule Matching is enabled. In version 2 of the MLDAP ESM Module, the default behavior is to use the new rule matching algorithm, which retrieves all applicable rules from the LDAP repository and checks them in the order of strongest to weakest match. In the new algorithm, matching is based on how many characters must be substituted for wildcard sequences to match the requested name.

Both rules and ACEs are prioritized by match rank, which is a measure of how closely the wildcarded string matches the literal string that the ESM Module is searching for (either the resource name or the user/group name). Match rank is an integer value; the higher the value, the closer the match, and the higher the priority of the matched item.

Match rank only applies to matching patterns - patterns that do not match are skipped and never ranked.

Match rank is computed from the number of literal characters and the number of distinct wildcard sequences in the pattern. A distinct wildcard sequence is any number of adjacent wildcard characters, so "*" and "**" both count as one sequence. The rank is also normalized by the length of the name being matched to the pattern; this lets the ESM Module compare rank for user ACEs and group ACEs even if the user name and the group name are different lengths (as they usually are). The formula is:

R = 512 x L / N - W + 1

where R is the rank value, L is the number of literal characters in the pattern, N is the length of the name being matched, and W is the number of wildcard sequences. So "pat" would outrank "p**t**", which would outrank "p*", which would outrank "*a*", which would outrank "*".

When the MLDAP ESM Module gets back multiple rules for a wildcard search, it sorts them by match rank and processes them in priority order. (Processing stops when the query can be answered - see Resource Rules for details.) When the module is processing the ACEs in an ACL, it lets higher-ranked ACEs (ones that better match the user's or group's name) override lower ones.

For example, if the module is asked to authorize access to a resource named "RESOURCE", and has found rules named "R*" and "R*E", the latter rule will be processed first, because it has higher rank. If it is authorizing for user "USER" and finds ACEs "allow:U*:read" and "deny:*:read", the former would take effect because of its higher rank.

When two rules or ACEs have the same rank, their relative priority is undefined, and either may take effect; so avoid creating conflicting rules and ACEs with the same rank.

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