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Target Server Parameters for z/Server

Parameter Description
<ZSID> Signals the beginning of a z/Server definition and assigns an ID to this server definition.
ZSJOB The STC ID specifies the target z/Server scheduler being redirected to. For a default installation this is TAURISPF. This is the value typed in the Scheduler Name field in the New Connection dialog box when adding a new Micro Focus z/Server connection in the Remote Systems view. This is ignored if DEFAULT is used as the Scheduler Name.
ZSIPADDRESS The internet host name or IP address where the z/Server scheduler is running. Typically this is the same IP address of the machine that is hosting both MFA and z/Server.
ZSPORT The STC scheduler port of the target STC scheduler being redirected to. A default installation has the value 1200.
ZSCEAPORT The target CEA scheduler port being redirected to. A default installation has the value 1250.
ZSDEFAULT The default configuration. If you type DEFAULT in the Scheduler Name field of the New Connection dialog box then these are the details that are returned.
<END> Signals the end of this target server definition.

Example of multiple z/Server schedulers

You can have multiple configuration blocks defining multiple z/Server schedulers:


In this example, if you type DEFAULT in the Scheduler Name field of the New Connection dialog box, then you get the information in the ZSID=ZSRVDEF block. If there are multiple ZSDEFAULT blocks, then the first block is always returned to you.
Note: Micro Focus recommends that ZSDEFAULT=Y should only occur once among all <ZSID /> blocks.

If you type TAURHLF in the Scheduler Name field of the New Connection dialog box, then you get the information from the ZSJOB=TAURHLF block.

If you type DEFAULT in the Scheduler Name field of the New Connection dialog box, and there is now default defined you will get the following message saying there is no default scheduler defined:
No default z/Server Scheduler configured.
If you specify a Scheduler Name that does not exist you get an error message saying that a matching scheduler could not be found:
Unable to find matching server details for z/Server Scheduler named Scheduler Name.

If you omit the ZSCEAPORT from a block, then the default value of 1250 is used as the target CEA scheduler port.

You can only have one ZSPORT per block. If you have multiple z/Server schedulers on different ports then you need to have separate configuration blocks for each scheduler.

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