You can use a configuration file to configure audit setup. Specify the configuration file with the auditmgr -c command when you start auditing. In a Windows environment, you can use the Micro Focus Audit Manager service Start Parameter to specify the configuration file.
mfaudit.dest=AUDITFILE # Sets the output type to secure file. mfaudit.emitter.auditfile#collectionsize=3 # Sets that the audit process uses three files only. mfaudit.emitter.auditfile#location=C:\MFAudit\logs # Sets the location where the files are to be created. mfaudit.emitter.auditfile#file= audit.aud_$(GEN) # Sets the auditing file names. The $(GEN) parameter # sets that the filenames are numbered sequentially. mfaudit.emitter.auditfile#maxfilesize=200 # Sets that audit files are closed when they reach # a size of 200 KB mfaudit.timeout=300 # Sets the duration (in milliseconds) that an event will # retry writing to output before it times out.