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Returns information about the operating system environment.


call "CBL_GET_OS_INFO" using     parameter-block
                       returning status-code


Group predefined as cblt-os-info-params containing
01 cblt-os-info-params               typedef.
  03 cblte-osi-length                cblt-x2-compx.	 *> pic x(2) comp-x value 28.
  03 cblte-osi-os-type               cblt-x1-compx. 	*> pic x comp-x.
  03 cblte-osi-os-version            cblt-x4-compx. 	*> pic x(4) comp-x.
  03 cblte-osi-dbcs-support          cblt-x1-compx. 	*> pic x comp-x.
  03 cblte-osi-char-coding           cblt-x1-compx. 	*> pic x comp-x.
  03 cblte-osi-country-id            cblt-x2-compx. 	*> pic x(2) comp-x.
  03 cblte-osi-code-page             cblt-x2-compx. 	*> pic x(2) comp-x.
  03 cblte-osi-process-type          cblt-x1-compx. 	*> pic x comp-x.
  03 cblte-osi-rts-capabilities      cblt-x4-compx. 	*> pic x(4) comp-x.
  03 cblte-osi-product               cblt-x2-compx. 	*> pic x(2) comp-x.
  03 cblte-osi-product-version       cblt-x2-compx. 	*> pic x(2) comp-x.
  03 cblte-osi-product-revision      cblt-x2-compx. 	*> pic x(2) comp-x.
  03 cblte-osi-product-sp            cblt-x2-compx. 	*> pic x(2) comp-x.
  03 cblte-osi-fixpack               cblt-x2-compx. 	*> pic x(2) comp-x.
See Library Routines - Key.

On Entry:

Length of the information expected to be returned.

On Exit:

Length of the information returned; this can be less than or equal to the length on entry
131 for Windows systems, 128 for COBOL systems on UNIX
Use is specific to the operating system. Can include information such as chip type and the operating system version number. For Windows the third and fourth bytes contain the minor and major release operating system version numbers respectively.
DBCS support flag:
Bit 0
0 if DBCS validation unsupported
1 if DBCS validation supported
Bit 1
0 if PIC N data-type unsupported
1 if PIC N data-type supported
Character encoding:
1 Shift-JIS
2 EUC Japan
3 BIG-5 (Traditional Chinese)
4 5550 (Traditional Chinese)
5 GB (Simplified Chinese)
6 KS-CODE (Korean)
7 PC-CODE (Korean)
8 EUC Taiwan
9 Other EUC locales

UNIX: Reserved; set to zero.

Windows: Country code. See your operating system documentation for an explanation of country codes.


UNIX: Reserved; set to zero.

Windows: Code page. See your operating system documentation for an explanation of code page codes.


UNIX: Reserved; undefined.

Windows: Process type:
0 Process is running in a full screen session
3 Process is running as a true graphical application
Characteristics of run-time system. Set as follows:
Bit Description

multi-threading multi-threaded rts

1 Mainframe offloading capabilities, namely mainframe pointer emulation
2 64-bit capability; the run-time system supports the running of 64-bit applications
3 Indicates whether the program is running under the control of Enterprise Server
4 Indicates that the run-time system is running in Enterprise Server mode
5 Indicates whether the program is running under the CLR (Common Language Runtime)
6-31 Reserved for future use and will be set to 0 by this routine
Product identifier:
0 Unknown (backward compatibility)
1 Server Express
2 Net Express
3 Mainframe Express (up to V3.0)
4 Mainframe Express (V3.01 or later)
5 Enterprise Developer
Product version, for example, for the COBOL development system 4.0, this field would be set to 4
Product revision, for example, for the COBOL development system 4.5, this field would be set to 5
Product service pack level, for example, for Server Express 4.0 Service Pack 1, this field would be set to 1
On Windows this field indicates the RTS fixpack version, for example, for the COBOL development system 4.0 RTS09N40 FixPack, this field would be set to 9. On UNIX, where individual component fixpacks are not provided, this field indicates the product fixpack version.
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