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Add/Modify User Dialog Box

The fields and controls in the Add/Modify User dialog box are described below.

Add Adds a new AuthID to the system.
Delete Permanently removes the display AuthID from the system. To temporarily deny access to a user (leaving all AuthID specifications intact), de-select the Access Authority checkbox.
Update Changes a user's access information using the information currently displayed on the dialog box.
Close Closes the Add/Modify User dialog box.
User ID The AuthID (user name or UserID) is used for security purposes when you access the XDB Server, utilities, and database objects. It is also used to determine ownership of database objects. Only an XDB Server Administrator who has super-user authority can change the AuthID.
Password The password must be between four and eight characters long and must follow the rules for a short identifier. If an XDB Server is being accessed and security is on, the password specified for the user must meet the specifications for the current Password Enforcement Level as defined for that XDB Server. The user can specify a higher level access authority using the Options utility. Any super user can modify the password for an existing user, but cannot delete a user's password.

Because XDB Server passwords are stored in an encrypted format, neither a user nor an administrator can view any user's existing password. The password entered is never displayed. Instead, an asterisk (*) is displayed for each character entered.

SQLWizard has three password enforcement levels:

  • Level 1 password must be four or more characters.
  • Level 2 password must be six or more characters and include at least one digit.
  • Level 3 password must be six or more characters, include at least one digit, and must include the two randomly generated characters that appear in the prompt message when the password is created or modified.

    Passwords are case sensitive. Be sure to always enter your password in the same combination of upper and lower case characters.

Verification The Verification field is used to confirm entry of a password. It reassures that you have entered the correct password for a user.
Secondary ID The SecondaryID field is provided so that a variety of users can have the same AuthID for processing queries or for object ownership, but have different accounts for connecting to the XDB Server. The SecondaryID can be up to eight characters long and must follow the rules for a short identifier.

The SecondaryID value is used only when security is on. When a user with a SecondaryID creates an object, the AuthID portion of the object's name is the SecondaryID. All other users who have the same SecondaryID will have all privileges granted to that ID.

It is in this way that users can have controlled access to specific tables and information. An XDB Server Administrator can also grant location, database and table level privileges by assigning GroupIDs to AuthIDs. See Appendix A, "Security and Authority" for more information on using GroupIDs versus SecondaryIDs.

Security Options These options are applicable when accessing an XDB Server with security on. These options are ignored when accessing an XDB Server with security off. Note that these options relate only to accessing the XDB Server itself. An administrator must still grant appropriate location, database, and/or table privileges to each account.

The available security options include:

  Password Required If checked, the user must enter a password when connecting to an XDB Server.
  Access Authority If checked, the user can connect to the XDB Server. If not checked, the user is denied access to the XDB Server. This option provides a temporary way of restricting a user's access without deleting the AuthID and other information from the system.
User Type This option grants the user either User or Super User privileges. The default setting is User. Only a super user can create locations, edit system tables, and give super-user privileges to another user. If you wish to limit a user's access to certain locations or tables, you must use the GRANT and REVOKE commands.

The available User Types include:

  User Those users who are assigned USER for user type can only change their own password. They cannot modify their AuthID, SecondaryID, user comment, priority, user type, security options, or group information and cannot create locations.
  Super User If you are granted super-user privileges you can add, delete, and update information for users, groups and priorities. Super users can also create locations, directly edit system catalog tables, and perform other administration functions.

If security for the XDB Server is off, all users are effectively super users.

User Comments A descriptive comment about the user or the AuthID. The comment may be longer than the display area (use cursor keys to scroll left and right in this field). The user comment can be up to 254 characters in length.
Group Membership A group is another method available (in addition to using the SecondaryID) for an administrator to control system and location level access. All available groups are displayed in a scrollable list. If no groups exist, the list will be empty.

Groups can be added using the Groups command from the Admin menu. The advantage of using groups is that you can grant/revoke privileges to one group instead of to many individual users. A user can be added to or removed from any group by clicking to highlight the desired group name(s) on the displayed list. Users can have multiple group assignments thus gaining the privileges of all of those groups combined.

Priorities Priorities are a set of usage restrictions imposed on an AuthID. Setting priorities gives an XDB Server Administrator the ability to define XDB Server usage priorities for peak hour processing, or to restrict users who do particularly intensive queries to off-peak hours. A user who exceeds the limits that are set, is disconnected from the XDB Server. This gives an administrator the ability to regulate XDB Server usage for users.

All available priorities are displayed in a scrollable list. If no priorities exist, the list will be empty. Priorities can be added using the Priorities command from the Admin menu. Users can be assigned or removed from any priority by selecting the priority name(s) from the list displayed. If you are not running against an XDB Server version that supports priorities, or if the XDB Server has the Governor feature turned off, the Priorities command is grayed out on the Admin menu.

For more information about the Governor features of the XDB Server, see the description of the Maximum Governor Cycle Time option in the section Governor Cycle Timein the chapter Server Configuration Utility in your SQL Option Server Administration Guide

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