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To Switch Logging On for a Service

  1. Click Details in the Objects column for the server that owns the service for which you want to switch logging on.
  2. Click Edit in the Operation column for the service for which you want to switch logging on.
  3. Check Logging.
  4. Click OK.

The effect of switching logging on is that the service's request and response blocks are written to a diagnostics file each time the service is invoked. This file is stored in the server's system directory, which defaults to %SYSTEMDRIVE%\Documents and Settings\user-ID\My Documents\Micro Focus\<product name> X.X\WORKAREA\es-name /var/mfcobol/es/es-name where es-name is the name of the enterprise server and user-ID is the user account that is running it. The file is named casdumpa.rec (or it might be named casdumpb.rec if you specified a maximum diagnostics file size on the Edit Server page).

If you are running the Directory Server as a service that logs on as the Local System account (LocalService), any Enterprise Server that it starts will also run under that account. Hence, the location of the files will typically be C:\Documents and Settings\LocalService\My Documents\Micro Focus\<product name> X.X\WORKAREA\es-name. By default, Windows hides the LocalService subdirectory of Documents and Settings. In order to view this directory, you must configure your Windows Explorer so that: Show hidden files and folders is set, and Hide protected operating system files is not set.

You can format and view the information from the Edit Server > Diagnostics > ES Console page. The client request is shown in a block named user-storage-type under the part of the dump entitled CAS-REQ. The server response is shown in a similar block under the title CAS-RESP.

Only switch logging on if you need diagnostics as it degrades performance.

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