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Record Formats

The following table shows the record formats for all the data set organizations except VSAM.

Abbreviation Format Control Characters Record Delimiters Comment
F Fixed None None  
FA Fixed ANSI None  
FB Fixed blocked None None Same as F format
FBA Fixed blocked ANSI None Same as FA format
FBM Fixed blocked Machine None Same as FM format
FBS Fixed blocked spanned None None Same as F format
FM Fixed Machine None  
FS Fixed spanned None None Same as F format
LSEQ Line sequential None Carriage return/line feed  
U Undefined     Results unpredictable on Windows or UNIX
V Variable None Micro Focus type  
VA Variable ANSI Micro Focus type  
VB Variable blocked None Micro Focus type Same as V format
VBA Variable blocked ANSI Micro Focus type Same as VA format
VBM Variable blocked Machine Micro Focus type Same as VM format
VBS Variable blocked spanned None Micro Focus type Same as V format
VM Variable Machine Micro Focus type  
VS Variable spanned None Micro Focus type Same as V format
Note: Blocked and spanned record formats are accepted by MSS but have no meaning in a PC or UNIX environment.

The following table shows the record formats for VSAM files.

Abbreviation Format Control Characters Comment
ES Entry sequence None  
KS Key sequence None  
LS Linear sequence None Not supported
RR Relative record None  


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