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  • Register 0

    Indicates LINKAGE parameter setting:

    • Not 5 LINKAGE=SVC: Address of the area into which the microsecond elapsed time or the current time-of-day clock value is to be placed.
  • Register 1 Register 0=5

    Holds the address of a parameter list

    • Register 0 not = 5
      Contains flag bits that designate the format in which time is to be returned, whether the time to be returned is local or GMT, and whether an error routine I in use:
      • . . . 0000 32-bit unsigned binary number representing the number of elapsed timer units (A timer unit is approximately 26.04 microseconds) (equivalent to TIME macro unit parameter value of TV)
      • . . . . 0001 Elapsed time in hundredths of a second (equivalent to TIME macro unit parameter value of BIN).
      • . . . . 0010 Packed decimal digits representing elapsed time in hours, minutes, seconds, and hundredths of a second (HHMMSShh) (equivalent to TIME macro unit parameter value of DEC).
      • . . . . 0011 Microseconds, where bit 51= 1 microsecond (equivalent to TIME macro unit parameter value of MIC).
      • . . . . 0100 The current TOD clock value (equivalent to TIME macro unit parameter value of STCK).
      • . 1. . . . . . The routine specified by the ERRET operand is to get control if an error occurs.
      • 1. . . . . . . GMT values are to be returned.
  • Register 0

    If LINKAGE is SVC, and time units are DEC, BIN or TV, contains the time of day in the format specified on input.

  • Register 1

    If LINKAGE is SVC, contains the date in packed decimal format in the form CCYYDDDF, where CC is the century, YY is the last two digits of the year, and DDD is the day of the year. CC is set to 0 to indicate 1900 and to 01 to indicate 2000. F is the sign bit.

Parameter list, 12 bytes in length.

Bytes Description
0-1 Unused
2 Date format flag:

0=YYYYDDD (default)




3 Time format flag that uses the same bit settings as Register 0 when LINKAGE=SVC
4-11 Unused
12-25 Output area to hold the time (first two words) and date (third word)
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