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Display address space statistics

F <scheduler|userserver>,DISPLAY,STATS

results in the following output in the CMDTASK DD statement of the named address space. Statistics are always printed when a scheduler or user server is stopped.

                         Run-date 15-07-2013, 12:22:17                           
Task       Use    Attach   Receive     Write      Peek  Compress    Expand       
   1        31         1        32        32        63         0         0       
   2         0         1         0         0         0         0         0       
   3         0         1         0         0         0         0         0       
   4         0         1         0         0         0         0         0       
   5         0         1         0         0         0         0         0       
Sum:        31         5        32        32        63         0         0       
Task    Bytes received     Bytes written  Bytes compressed                       
   1             7.214 9.954.559.781.007                 0                       
   2                 0                 0                 0                       
   3                 0                 0                 0                       
   4                 0                 0                 0                       
   5                 0                 0                 0                       
Sum:             7.214 9.954.559.781.007                 0                       
ROUTEMSG.:      1   LISTCAT..:      0   LISTDSI..:      3   LISTMEM..:      3    
GETDATA..:      2   FINDMEM..:      0   PUTDATA..:      0   PUTJCL...:      0    
GETBD....:      0   GETBT....:      0   JSTATUS..:      0   JDDLIST..:      0    
JDDGET...:      0   JBROWSE..:      0   JDELETE..:      0   JCANCEL..:      0    
JSTOP....:      0   IDCAMS...:      0   ALLOC....:      0   FREE.....:      0    
CONCAT...:      0   RECALL...:      0   DEQUEUE..:      0   SUBMIT...:      0    
DELAY....:      0   ABEND....:      0   PUTREX...:      0   XMLEXIT..:      0    
GETPORT..:      7   LOGOFF...:      7   LOGON....:      0   ADDUSRV..:      0    
SLAVE....:      0   KILL.....:      0   RESTART..:      0   VERIFY...:      7    
USRENQ...:      7   USRDEQ...:      0   CHGPSWD..:      0   IBMUTIL..:      0    
USSLDIR..:      0   USSGFILE.:      0   USSMINFO.:      0   USSLINFO.:      0    
USSDDENT.:      0   USSDDIR..:      0   USSMKDIR.:      0   USSPFILE.:      0    
NOP......:      0   USSWMSGQ.:      0   USSRMSGQ.:      0   USSCMSGQ.:      0    
USSQMSGQ.:      0   USSDMSGQ.:      0   FTP......:      0                        
Delete  Server.......:      0   Init    Storage......:      0                    
Add     Sever........:      0   Find    User.........:     15                    
Add     User.........:      7   Modify  User.........:      8                    
Delete  User.........:      0   Display Users........:      0                    
Info    Ports........:      7   Count   UserSrv......:      1                    
Clear   User.........:      7   Set     User Timeout.:      7                    
Find    Port.........:      7   Set     Maintask RDY.:      0                    
Get     Flags........:      4   Set     User EnQueue.:      7                    
Set     User DeQueue.:      0   Set     Subtask  RDY.:      0                    
Set     STOP Server..:      0   Find    Scheduler....:      0                    
Get     Sched.-List..:      0   Set     Port locked..:      0                    
Set     Port unlock..:      0   Get     Port-List....:      0                    
Lock    Scheduler....:      0   Unlock  Scheduler....:      0                    
Find    ASID.........:      0                                                   

The first part with the heading 'Subtask Information' shows all worker tasks (as defined by NUMTCB) and number of the IP function calls that were issued under each task. In an environment that is not very active with concurrent users, it is normal that only the first task shows activity at all.

The second part under the heading 'Scheduler Information' names individual functions that a client can use. For an Eclipse client, these functions are hidden in the client programming.

The last part under the heading 'User Administration Information' shows how many and which functions were executed against the user administration control structures.

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