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Enables the access to the native Hdc for a printer. Invokes a delegate with the current .NET Graphics object for the printer handle along with a Rectangle object and the PageSettings object.
  • This routine is supported in .NET COBOL only.
  • This routine is not currently supported on UNIX platforms.


    call "PC_PRINTER_INFO_DOTNET" using 
                                    by reference cblt-pi-printer-handle 
                                    by value cblt-printer-info-delegate 
                                    by value user-object 
                          returning status-code 


Using call prototype Picture (32-bit systems) Picture (64-bit systems)
printer-handle cblt-pi-printer-handle pic x(4) comp-5 pic x(8) comp-5
delegate cblt-printer-info-delegate see delegate-id above see delegate-id above
user-object object object object
A delegate defined as:
    delegate-id PrinterInfoDelegate. 
            procedure division using by value gr as type Graphics 
                                 by value pb as type Rectangle 
                                 by value ps as type PageSettings 
                                 by value uo as object 
    end delegate. 
See Library Routines - Key

On Entry:

The printer handle returned when the printer was opened
A delegate that receives either the Graphics, Rectangle, PageSettings or the user-object
Any object you might want to use in the delegate.

On Exit:

The delegate parameter is invoked with the required parameters
Printer Handling Routines Return Codes

Accessing native resources:

The PC_PRINTER_INFO is unable to return the underlying Hdc attribute for a printer connection on the .NET platform as the attribute is only available during a page-event. You can use the PC_PRINTER_INFO_DOTNET API, however, to access the native Hdc for the printer.

In the delegate, you can use the GetHdc() and the ReleaseHdc() methods on the graphics object. For example:

    declare dn-hdc = gr::GetHdc() 
        *> use the dn-hdc 
       invoke gr::ReleaseHdc() 


The following example shows how to use the PC_PRINTER_INFO_DOTNET API:

        $set iltarget"x86" 
        $set ilref"System.Drawing" 
        $set ilusing"System.Drawing". 
        $set ilusing"System.Drawing.Printing". 
        program-id. pcid. 
            call-convention 74 is winapi. 
        working-storage section. 
        copy "cbltypes.cpy". 
            03 document-title. 
            05 title-len         pic x(2) comp-5. 
            05 title-text        pic x(20). 
                03  font-family. 
            05 font-family-namelen  pic x(2) comp-5 value 80. 
            05 font-family-name     pic x(80). 
            03 abort               pic x(4) comp-5 value 1. 
            03 ctrl                pic x(4) comp-5 value 2. 
            03 flags               pic x(4) comp-5 value 1. 
            03 handle              pic x(4) comp-5. 
        01 status-code cblt-os-size value zeroes. 
        procedure division. 
            move 30 to title-len 
            move "PC_PRINTER_INFO_DOTNET Example" to title-text 
            call "PC_PRINTER_OPEN" using by reference handle 
                                            by reference document-title 
                                            by value flags 
                                            by value 0 
                                            returning status-code 
            if status-code not equal 0 
                exhibit named status-code 
                stop run 
            declare pinfo-delegate as type PrinterInfoDelegate 
            set pinfo-delegate to 
                delegate(gr as type Graphics, 
                        pb as type Rectangle, 
                        ps as type PageSettings 
                        uo as object ) 
                *> create an Eclipse the side of the page 
                    declare customColor = type Color::FromArgb(50, type Color::Blue) 
                    declare shadowBrush = new SolidBrush(customColor) 
                    invoke gr::FillEllipse(shadowBrush, pb) 
                    declare bigText as string = uo as string 
                    declare drawFormat = new StringFormat 
                    set drawFormat::Alignment to type StringAlignment::Center 
                    set drawFormat::LineAlignment to type StringAlignment::Center 
                    invoke gr::DrawString(bigText, new Font("Courier New", 24), new SolidBrush(type Color::Red), pb, drawFormat) 
            declare nullObject as object = null 
            call "PC_PRINTER_INFO_DOTNET" using 
                    by reference handle 
                    by value pinfo-delegate 
                    by value "Big Red text in the middle" 
                    returning status-code 
            if status-code not equal 0 
                exhibit named status-code 
            call "PC_PRINTER_CLOSE" using 
                by reference handle 
                returning status-code 
            if status-code not equal 0 
                exhibit named status-code 
                stop run 
        end program. 
        delegate-id PrinterInfoDelegate. 
            procedure division using by value gr as type Graphics 
                                    by value pb as type Rectangle 
                                    by value ps as type PageSettings 
                                    by value uo as object 
        end delegate.

The following example shows how to create an anonymous delegate (without specifying a name for the delegate) and then use it with the PC_PRINTER_INFO_DOTNET API:

        declare pinfo-delegate as type PrinterInfoDelegate 
        set pinfo-delegate to 
                delegate(gr as type Graphics, 
                        pb as type Rectangle, 
                        ps as type PageSettings 
                        uo as object) 
                    display "DpiX = " gr::DpiX 
                    display "DpiY = " gr::DpiY 
                    display "Page Boundary : " pb 
                    display "Page Settings : " ps 

You can use this delegate with the PC_PRINTER_INFO_DOTNET API as follows:

        call "PC_PRINTER_INFO_DOTNET" using 
                    by reference handle 
                    by value pinfo-delegate 
                    by value self  *> user-object is the program itself 
                                    *> so you can do a pinfo-delegate to the entry-point 
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